The Shift

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Rashana's mind was deep in space when the school bell brought her back to earth. The shuffles of papers and murmured voices were tuned out as she pulled out her headphones and played "Become the Warm Jets" by the Current Joys. She felt the aura of this song matched perfectly with the weather as she walked outside into the light drizzle coming down. She put her hoodie up and started to walk home cutting through her neighbors yard.

Just as the song was ending she reached her front steps and walked up wishing there were more to the song to drain out the fighting she was about to hear. Her parents were on the verge of divorce so this was a daily occurrence. She attempted not to reminisce the better days but rather found herself lost in daydreaming what her life would be like in another world.

She tiptoed through the door and up the stairs hoping that her parents in the kitchen hadn't heard her arriving. It was often easier to lay low than interrupt and have them fake being happy toward her. She hated when people did that. There was nothing worse to her than a façade. She laid on her bed staring up at her ceiling covered in stick on stars she had since a child. She opened her book and began to read. Harry Potter was something she was into since she was a kid but there was something drawing her to reread it.

Time ticked by quicker than she had noticed and her eyes began to become heavy. She closed the book and snapped back to reality. She lay there thinking how it would feel for a letter from Hogwarts to arrive at her doorstep. How it'd feel to actually be apart of that world. She smiled to herself at how silly an idea of that was but her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she remembered a conversation she overheard at school earlier that week.

"Yeah I totally shifted last night and Draco was so into me", Brittany had said to her friend in Chem Lab.

"Girl when I went Cedric and Draco were all over me it was so overwhelming I had to use my safeword" Annalise replied back. They both giggled.

Rashana had wanted to turn around and ask them how so desperately but Mr. Bunst had began the class before she had the chance. She now laid flat on her bed as the wind rustled against her window. She closed her eyes and began to imagine her waking up in a dormitory at Hogwarts. Having chocolate frogs on her nightstand and having the room smell of old books. The more she drifted off to sleep the more it seemed she was actually there. Her consciousness drifted off as her last thought was of Draco Malfoy welcoming her to Hogwarts. It's almost as if she could actually hear him shout-


Rashana jolted awake. She had a confused look on her face as she turned to her bedside and saw Pansy Parkinson standing there with her arms crossed.

"Is this some sort of joke?", Pansy asked hastily, "I asked to have a room to myself second semester."

Rashana looked down at her covers which had gone from a faded white to an emerald green. She looked around the room to see the dark decor. The smell of rustic books filled her senses. She looked out the small window behind her bed-stand to see milky green water and shimmering gold coral reef surrounding it. This has to be a dream, she thought.

"This is all so ridiculous I already had to deal with that twisted weirdo of an old roommate last semester and now I have a rando magically appear in my room after I specifically asked-"

Pansy had seemed to be rambling to herself complaining about Rashana but Rashana was so absorbed at how real this dream seemed she couldn't even bring herself to speak. After a while more of bewildered confusion Rashana finally interrupted Pansy's rant and said, "I'm sorry for the surprise but I was assigned this room. If you have a problem you're wasting your breath. Take it up with someone who can actually do something about it." She was surprised at how bitter she'd come off when saying that. She'd always had a rather nasty subconscious but was never actually acted on any of her thoughts. She'd always stand up for herself if she were disrespected but was never so thoughtlessly outspoken like this. This had to be a dream, she thought. A dream where she said what she wanted and didn't think twice.

"You know what I will", exclaimed Pansy annoyed by Rashana's brave tone. "I already don't like you", she said as she turned on her heel and pranced out slamming the door behind her.

"Finally some time to grasp this", Rashana muttered as she sat on the edge of her bed. She had always had vivid dreams but none like this. She could feel the mahogany wood on her bare feet and play with the silk sheets with her fingertips. Oh my god, she thought. It worked. I shifted.

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