Library Echoes

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The next morning Rashana's eyes opened happy to see herself at Hogwarts. She wasn't surprised anymore. It was starting to become her new reality. She lay in bed for a while getting butterflies flashbacking to last night. She couldn't believe it actually happened. The tension between her and Draco was finally released and the lights going out and the stargazing were all so mesmerizing leading up to it. She was excited to see him again, more excited than any confused day prior, but she still sort of felt hesitant.

Rashana's POV:

"What's on the schedule for today?", I asked Pansy as I rubbed my eyes awake.

"The boys are heading to the forbidden forrest later but I'm going to study in the meantime", she said dryly, "Why did it take you so long to come back from the feast last night?"

I knew that question was coming. Pansy was always so nosy, especially when it came to Draco.

"I caught up with the Weasley twins. I figured they had something to do with the lights seeing as most of the pranks around here are their doing."

"And did they do it?", Pansy's eyes widened and her furrowed brow disappeared. She was eager to hear the answer.

"Nope", I answered, "Turns out they knew just as much as I did...but they were utterly disappointed that they hadn't thought of that prank themselves", I let out a little laugh. I was getting sick of lying. I actually wish that conversation did exist because I miss the twins dearly.

"Hmph", Pansy said rolling her eyes, "No good Weasley's. I don't know why you hang around their sort still."

"Because they're brilliant", I said with a smile.

"You're so weird Rashana. It's like you have no grasp of the social hierarchy here. You can't be cool with us and them. One day it's gonna catch up to you and the going back and forth is going to leave you with nothing but yourself."

Usually I would be offended by Pansy's judgmental nonsense, but this time I couldn't even give her attitude back. She was right. The constant lies were eating me up inside. Telling the gryffindors that I was doing anything else but seeing Draco and lying to Pansy saying I was with my other friends in hopes of her not getting angry at me being with-

Draco. He's the reason I keep lying to everyone. Maybe it's not the two groups that's the problem. Maybe it's him. I'm always covering for us. If I want to make my time here worthwhile it'd be best to let him go. Better to do it now than when I'm too attached.

"Hello Rashana", Pansy snapped, "Did you hear me or are you too busy dreaming about visiting the Eiffel tower with the twins?" she snickered.

"Oh shove off", I said throwing my pillow at her, "But yeah no I didn't hear you."

"I'm going to go study, do you want to come?"

"Sure I'll be there in a few I have to shower yet."

"Okay see you soon", she said and turned toward the door and walked out.

Cutting Draco off would be a lot easier if I could get him of my goddamn mind. My entire shower and morning I spent thinking of him. As I washed my hair I thought of him pulling it, as I put on my tie I thought of his hand around my neck, and as I put on my lipgloss I thought of his lips against mine. Most of all however I thought about us running through the halls with our hands intertwined, his gentle voice
pointing out the stars, and his smile at the end of the night. It was never-ending. I can't believe I'm about to say this but I almost can't wait to study just to take my mind off of this boy.

Draco's POV:

This was possibly the worst morning of my entire life. I'd rather be at home with my father's bickering than this.

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