The Slip Up

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Potions went by fast and Rashana was glad that she managed not to blow something up. She had gotten through her first actual class at Hogwarts and was excited to meet the Golden Trio after class. She walked outside through the large stone walls and into the front courtyard. The leaves were a nice orange red and the light breeze made some of them fall gently to the ground.

"Finally", Hermione exclaimed in an excited voice as she walked up to Rashana. "I don't understand how someone can sit through an entire class with a new student and not introduce them to their best friends", she said as if Harry wasn't right beside her.

"I'm Hermione Granger" she held out her hand, "I'm sure Harry told you all about me during potions".

Rashana grabbed her warm hand and shook it gently. "He told me all about you", she lied, "brightest witch around these parts" she said knowing this from having read the books.

"Aw Harry how thoughtful of you" she said cheerfully and Harry gave an awkward smile.

"This is Ron, I'm sure you can tell he's a Weasley by the hair", Hermione said as she ran her fingers through it.

Ron swatted her hand away. "I can introduce myself just fine Hermione", he said as he held out his hand, "but yeah, what she said."

Rashana shook his hand and felt a feeling of warmth come over her. She felt at home with them. She felt safe and like she finally had some people that didn't make her feel so confused and freakish.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I wouldn't have been able to get through potions without Harry's help."

Harry smiled and they all started walking across the courtyard. They couldn't wait to show Rashana the quidditch field. Ron bragged about how Harry was still the strongest player and that he's sure they're bound to win against Slytherin tomorrow.

"Sorry", he said. "I know that's your house and all."

They had been walking for a few minutes when they heard a voice shout from a nearby treetop.

"Well if it isn't my favorite people", the voice said sarcastically. Rashana looked up to see Draco sitting in the fork of a big maple tree with a coy smile on his face. He hopped down and started to walk toward them. "Trying to spoil the new Slytherin girl with your charms Potter?" he said as he glanced over at Rashana. "I don't think you're her type", he laughed as Crabbe and Goyle appeared on either side of him joining in.

"Oh would you just shove off Malfoy", Ron exclaimed frustrated by his presence.

"Yeah and I think she can speak for herself", Harry added.

All eyes turned to Rashana. She stood there awkwardly trying not to pick sides so early into her being there.

"They're just showing me around", Rashana replied instinctively.

"If you needed a tour you could've just asked me love", Draco said cockily, "I know the ins and outs at this school better than these mudbloods anyway." Crabbe and Goyle snickered in the background. Hermione rolled her eyes waiting for Rashana to stick up for them.

"Don't tell me you're another sob story like Pottah", Draco stated before giving Rashana time to respond. He did this often. He seemed to speak to hear his own voice rather than have an interest in the actual conversation.

"Never even hearing of Hogwarts before coming here. What are your parents dead too?" Draco added without batting a single eye.

Rashana wondered how someone could speak about something so sensitive without even thinking twice. Her blood boiled with rage at how inconsiderate he was.

"Harry is ten times the wizard you'll ever be and he grew up an orphan in a closet beneath his staircase never even touching a broomstick all his
life and still managed to make the Quidditch team first year and slip away from Voldemort multiple times", Rashana angrily stated and letting her rage take over she continued, "You grew up with Mommy and Daddy in a large manor getting your feet rubbed by Dobby and still haven't half the talent or achievements he has", Rashana added. She took a step closer and looked up at Draco, "So don't blame me for wanting to be shown the ropes by an actual legacy instead of someone who's still trying to create one."

Draco took a step closer toward Rashana as she finished speaking and lifted his hand as if he were going to hit her but instead placed his hand firmly around her neck and brought her close. "I guess you've chosen your side then" he whispered in her ear through gritted teeth. She could smell his strong cologne and felt the warmth of his breath against her cheek. He backed up with his hand still on her neck and looked her in her eye for a second clenching his jaw before swiftly taking his hand away as he turned and walked angrily away from them.

"Bloody hell you totally told him off!" Ron cheered.

"The look on his face was priceless" Hermione added happily.

Harry stood still with a smile on his face that vanished as he looked at Rashana and said, "Wait, I didn't tell you about the closet beneath my staircase."

Rashana stood there and the triumph of telling Draco off seeped out of her as the feeling of defeat rushed in to take its place. How could she be so stupid? She knew these things from reading the books in her old reality but a new student that had just met Harry in this one wouldn't know something so personal about him after just one day. She had realized that lying about where she's from without having scripted anything to go her way was harder than she thought.

She looked at all three of them staring at her with confusion on their faces as she said, "I have something to tell you".

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