The Stars Have Eyes

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Draco's POV:

This is not going as planned. The last thing I wanted to do was to let her see how much I want her. I told her she was mine and then tried to coerce her into telling Pottah and his grimy sidekicks that we were together. Of course she refused. I cant stand how much she gets under my skin. She didn't get as jealous as I thought, in fact she ended up making me jealous of Blaise and now she refuses to be seen with me? With me? Every other girl would have given anything to be seen by my side in public and here she is denying it.

If my gut and my heart weren't in such a knot right now I could probably think more clearly too but she is overwhelming. She absorbs me with every look and every touch. It's sickening. I used to hate her presence but now it's all I look forward to.

I swiftly walked by the table, grabbed my books, and started out the library. Of course Pansy calls after me.

"Draco, wait up", she said and grabbed my arm. She's the last person I want to see right now. I'm already too angry and she'll just set me off.

I yanked my arm away from her. "Piss off Pansy", I said dryly and continued walking. I could still hear her footsteps behind me.

"Why do you always do this?", she said speeding up.

"What now?", I said rolling my eyes.

She stopped in front of me. "All of these mixed signals. You love me one second and then the next you're running away and want nothing to do with me."

Her big eyes stared up at me intently.

"First off, I could never love you", I said inching toward her. I could see the tears swell up in her eyes. "What're you going to cry now?", I let out a scoff.

She looked down at the ground and stood there helplessly.

"Let me make something crystal clear with you Pansy", I grabbed her face and wiped a tear away, "If I ever gave you any inclination to me having actual feelings for was a lie."

I pulled my hand away and let out a smirk. "You'll never be more than a second option."

I brushed by her and walked out the library. I didn't feel bad. I didn't feel anything. I was completely numb to hurting that little girl's feelings. I could easily crush her soul in the palm of my hand and she'd be back minutes later to help me pick up the broken pieces. It was humiliating, and she'd never learn.

As I turned toward the common room something jumped out and pinned me against the wall. I could feel a wooden wand pressed against my neck.

"What the-", I looked up to see Potter standing there with an enraged look on his face.

"I swear to Godric if you ever hurt Rashana I will put an end to your miserable excuse of a life", he said with gritted teeth.

"Got yourself a girlfriend Pottah?", I said laughing and egging him on.

"She's different. She's lost and you're the last person that needs to show her the way", he pressed the wand harder against my jaw.

"Oh Rashana's very good with directions on her own. How else do you think she finds her way to my room every night?" I smirked at him but was more cautious with my movements. I didn't want to go too far with him cornering me like this.

He pulled away the wand and swung at me hard. I dodged it a bit but it knicked my cheek.

"BLOODY HELL POTTAH", I said grabbing my face. I looked up at him and he was going for another. I completely dodged this punch. "You're good as dead", I said as I tackled him to the floor. I swung once and hit him so hard his glasses flew off and landed a few feet away. Before I knew what I was doing the rage took over and I decked him a few more times.

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