The Flower Boy

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    Rashana walked to potions after finishing her breakfast hardly making it in time. She nervously scanned the classroom looking for an open seat. She glanced over at the only open seat next to a brown shaggy haired boy. Harry, she thought. Like she read in the books, the sight of him made it hard to believe. The Harry Potter was right in front of her merely feet away. She walked over and stood above the empty seat.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked looking over at Harry. As he looked up at her she glanced at his lightening scar and it took everything she had not to reach out and touch it but she didn't want to weird him out.

"Ron seems to be up Hermione's ass this year so yes, all yours", Harry said as Ron rolled his eyes playfully overhearing him. "What's your name?"

"Rashana", she said. "I uh- I'm new", she stuttered as she took a seat.

Harry looked surprised. "Strange. I wasn't aware students could start second semester."

Rashana tried to come up with a good reason but before she could a bird-shaped paper flew over to her and landed on her notebook. She turned over her right shoulder to see Draco nodding indicating her to read it.

She turned back, opened it slowly, and read "You must have amnesia too. Don't associate with Griffindorks, especially Potter". Rashana turned to Draco and he raised his eyebrow up at her.

"I'm guessing you were sorted into Slytherin", Harry stated, "and Malfoy doesn't like your choice of seating?" he annoyingly whispered.

"Yup", Rashana said blandly.

"Listen Rashana not all Slytherins are bad, but trust me when I say Malfoy's nothing but trouble", Harry said with a concerned look on his face.

"So I've heard", she said agreeing but her stomach was filled with butterflies as he said his name.

Snape began class and to Rashana's surprise she caught on very quickly for never having done magic let alone stepping foot in this classroom. Her and Harry laughed as she spilled a little bit of the purple ooze and flowers began growing out of the wooden desk. They quickly covered it up and Harry picked one and stuck it in his hair. Rashana smiled at him. He really knew how to make someone feel at home in an unusual place. She quickly picked one up and tucked it behind her ear too. He gleamed at her and looked as though he was going to say something but Snape walked up and tapped him on his shoulder.

"I really hope you're not treating this like a game Potter", he said dryly. Harry took the flower out of his hair and stuffed it in his book. "Or are you just trying to impress your friend here?" Snape said as he looked at Rashana. His face scrunched up and walked around to Rashana's side and leaned a little too close to her.

"Strange. I haven't seen you around", he said squinting his eyes at her. "I'm sure I've had every student before and remembered their names by first week into first year. Who are you?" he said suspiciously.

Rashana palms turned sweaty and she gulped as she looked down at the floor and back up at Snape. "Rashana", she said softly hoping he would somehow remember her from years prior, "Rashana Lacopa".

Snape let out a light growl and walked up to his desk and started to shuffle through his papers. He seemed to be looking for something but Rashana was just relieved that he had stopped grilling her about who she was and where she came from.

"That was odd", Harry said as he let out a little laugh, "I've never seen Snape use that tone with a Slytherin."

"Well at least I didn't get so scared I took my flower out crushing it in my book", Rashana said playfully changing the subject.

Harry scoffed as he opened his notebook and saw that the flower had turned back into purple ooze dripping down his notes. "Yuck", he said as Rashana laughed.

"Pst", Ron said as he nudged Harry's shoulder. "Let's meet outside after class. Hermione hasn't stopped nagging about how rude it is of you to not introduce your new friend", he said annoyingly.

"Oh alright", Harry responded. He glanced at Rashana. "You've gotta meet them...unless you're more afraid of Malfoy than you are of Snape", he said daringly.

Rashana turned around and glanced at Malfoy. He was yelling at Goyle to stop chewing on his pencil or he'd stab him in the eye with it. Pansy snickered along with him. She turned back around.

"I'm not afraid of anyone."

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