The Quidditch Match

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Draco was right. Rashana did seem to be living a double life. She was a calm, cool, collected, in control badass around the Slytherin group and a thoughtful adventurous fun loving friend around the Gryffindor group.

Hopefully the two don't cross paths often, she thought as she stood outside the Gryffindor common room entrance. She stared at the fat lady in the painting on the wall.

"Password?" She demanded in a monotonous tone.

Rashana stood there defeated forgetting all about the password when she rushed over. Just as she was about to turn around the wall opened and the Weasley twins stumbled out.

"Oh Rashana my goodness have they been worried about you all day", George said regarding the Golden Trio.

"I could've sworn I saw Ron shed a wee tear at the thought of you never returning", Fred laughed.

"I'm sorry I- uh...I overslept!", she responded quickly, "can you let them know I'm outside?"

"That's alright we oversleep all the bloody time!", Fred responded, "I'd give you a grand tour of the place but we're off to class", he said as he turned and started to walk down the stairs.

"The password's pigs nest", George whispered as he called to Fred to wait up.

Rashana turned to the fat lady.

"Uh, pigs nest", she said awkwardly as the painting turned open.

She walked inside to see low lit chandeliers with a rumbling fireplace. The furniture was red and brown and the carpet's intricate pattern matched. She smelled a pumpkin scented candle on the stand before walking down the hall and to the left down the girls wing.

She walked around desperately looking for Hermione and felt relieved as she passed an open door where she saw her sitting and reading a thick book.

"Hermi-" Rashana couldn't even finish before Hermione sprang up and hugged her.

"OH MY GOSH RASHANA I THOUGHT YOU HAD DISAPPEARED", she screamed as she squeezed tighter, "We looked all around this morning how dare you not find us sooner?", she pulled away frazzled.

"I'm sorry I was- I overslept", Rashana said.

"It's fine let's go find the boys before class", she grabbed Rashana's hand as she picked up her books in the other.

They walked to the dining hall to see Ron stuffing his face and Harry barely touching his plate.

"Look who turned up", Hermione said proudly as her and Rashana sat down.

"RASHANA my goodness how glad I am to see you", Ron said with a mouthful of bacon.

Harry looked up happily and calmly said, "I knew you'd be here a while."

Rashana looked down and smiled. "I'm happy I am."

Hermione looked at Harry concerned and said "Harry you better eat you have to get fueled up for the Quidditch Match tonight."

"You know he rarely eats on match days, nerves get to him", Ron said as he plunged a large spoonful of scrambled eggs in his mouth.

"If only he had your appetite Ron", Rashana added laughing.

"Oh my gosh Rashana this will be your first in person real life Quidditch Match won't it?", Hermione said as she tapped Rashana's arm excitedly.

"Yes it will", she said smiling at the thought of it.

"Then you better play good Harry", Hermione said.

"Or I reckon he outta play bad", Ron said taking a gulp of orange juice, "I'm sure Rashana wants her house to win."

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