The Truth and the Twins

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Rashana and the Golden Trio made their way into a private room on the second floor so she could tell them her secret. She nervously paced around the room as the three of them sat waiting for her to spit it out.

"Listen it's hard to explain, I didn't even think it would work at first but it did and I feel like I can't even find the right words to explain it's all so-"

Hermione cut her off in an annoyed tone, "Rashana...not to be rude but you're really dragging it on just spit it out!"

"Okay", Rashana said as she finally stopped pacing
and put both of her hands on the table leaning over the three of them. "I'm from a different reality. A muggle world I guess but not the one you all are familiar with. A completely different one where Hogwarts is something everyone knows about but they think it's just a fantasy world because a woman wrote a book called Harry Potter", she paused looking at Harry.

"Actually seven of them...and yes you're famous in my world too."

Harry scoffed and Hermione and Ron looked eager to hear more.

"Hermione and Ron you're in it too, you're all known as the Golden Trio. Malfoy's in it and everyone is actually totally obsessed with him. Cedric too God rest his soul", she rambled on telling them how she knew about Voldemort and Hagrid and all of the adventures in between and how there were movies made casted with actors that looked just like them.

"Wait so we're famous in your world too?" Ron said in disbelief pointing at Hermione. "If only my family could hear that I'd make Percy and Charlie look like nobodies!" He laughed.

"Us too!" Fred and George appeared out of nowhere from behind them and they all jumped out of fear.

"We wanted to scare you all so we followed you here with Harry's invisibility cloak", Fred said as Harry looked confused, "Oh yeah we robbed you last night kid", Fred said.

"You didn't even notice you big gloot" George added playfully.

"Shifting realities huh?" Fred added.

"So you came here", said George.

"From there", Fred said looking at George.

George: "Knowing all about us."

Fred:" and our world..."

George: "and blended right in."

They looked at each other and smiled. "Why didn't we think of that?" they said in sync.

"I'd go to a world where there were only hot babes with huge knockers and they all wanted me" Fred said laughing at the idea.

"Lets do it", George replied giggling.

Rashana stared in disbelief looking at the twins she'd read all about. The books were no match for how funny and charming they were in person.

Hermione looked around seeming confused for the first time ever. "So how did you manage to get here?" she asked Rashana wide eyed with interest.

"Uh...good question", Rashana replied. "I sort of just laid there in my bed wishing and imagining that I was here. I imagined being welcome by"- she paused not wanting to say Draco knowing well that their reactions would be full of disgust. "Welcomed by Pansy", she lied, "and as I drifted off to sleep the details of coming here became more vivid and I woke up in the dorm. Next thing you know I'm in potions talking to the Harry Potter."

They all looked at her with amazed looks on their faces. They proceeded to ask questions about Rashana's home reality. They all seemed so intrigued by Rashana's boring life and how she shifted here by accident. After a lot of tiresome explaining and answering they all sat in silence absorbing everything they just heard.

Ron broke the silence by saying, "It's a shame you were sorted into Slytherin of all houses."

"You can't tell anyone", she said completely ignoring his statement. "Snape is already suspicious of me and who knows what they'd do if a muggle like me were here among you all."

"We promise", all five of them said in sync and for some reason that was all the convincing Rashana needed.

"How long are you here for?" Hermione asked.

"No idea", Rashana said with a little anxiety coming over her. "Usually there's a safe word or something that brings you back but I didn't create one seeing that this all happened by chance."

They all looked at each other with concerned faces. George and Fred looked as if she might disappear right then.

"So you very well could wake up in your other world tomorrow", Ron said looking at her dismally.

A deep sadness came over Rashana thinking that her time here could end so quickly.

"No", Harry said strongly and looked at all of them. "I feel she'll stay here forever."

She smiled thinking of the idea but as they all went back to their dorms she couldn't help but lay in her bed and dread returning to her old life. No. She pushed the idea out of her head. I'll stay here forever.

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