The End

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Draco's POV:

It had now been 6 months since she had parted from me.

It seemed that everything had gone dark since she did, when she left this world she took the light with her. That's all I could think about as I stared up at the skull shaped cloud above me.

"Draco come on", Aunt Bellatrix screeched, "We have to find Potter."

I hesitantly followed her to the edge of the dark forrest but something was telling me to turn back toward the school. I did want to find Potter, but not in the same sort of desperation that they did.

I didn't want him dead, I wanted him alive.

I noticed that him and the others had moved on from Rashana's death in an unordinary way. It was almost as if it they had expected it, or rather that she never even left at all. I knew they cared for her just as much as I did and their lack of grievance unsettled me. I had to dig deeper, and I knew that Potter might know things that I didn't as much as it killed me to admit.

"I should check the school", I said and stopped in my tracks.

They all turned and looked at me confused.

"The school?", Aunt Bellatrix questioned, "If any of those students have any good wits to them they'd be clear from there by now." She let out an objectionable laugh.

"I wouldn't think of you to give Potter the benefit of the doubt of possessing good wits", I challenged knowing that she'd recoil.

"Well I-"

"I've known him since we were boys", I interrupted, "If it's anywhere that he would be, it's the place that everyone isn't."

She gave me a hesitant look but then followed with a slight nod.

"We'll carry on to the forrest in case your intuition is wrong", she sneered, "Don't be long."

I gave her a nod before I turned and walked hastily up the hill. I clenched my fist as I apparated into the school.

Bellatrix was right, the students were all frantically running and bumping into each other through the halls, desperately looking for an exit.

I looked up and saw Blaise and Goyle not far from me. I took a few steps and grabbed each of them by their collar and pulled them to the parallel hallway.

"What the-"

"Malfoy?", Blaise looked up at me in relief, "Saint Merlin where have you been?"

"Doesn't matter, we need to find Potter."

"Now?", Goyle looked up at me in terror, "We need to get out is what he need to do haven't you seen whats going on-"

Blaise interjected. "Yeah mate I actually agree with Goyle on this one, we should-"

"Just shut the fuck up I need you two for backup and once it's over you can run along."

They both exchanged apprehensive looks but followed me anyway.

I walked up to the wall and closed my eyes. I could see it melting away already and I just knew he was on the other side. Soon enough, each brick had vanished and I stood inches away facing him.



"We need to have a little chat."

"Now?", he looked at me like I was crazy.

"No tomorrow over tea", I said sarcastically, "Yes fucking now and you're going to listen or so help all of the stars in the sky I will do the honor of putting an end to your miserable life myself."

The Shift (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now