The Blonde Haired Boy

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Rashana quickly got up and looked in the mirror. Her hair was no longer brown and wavy but black with a white blonde underneath. Her lips were the perfect size and her nose narrow and small with a couple freckles on the bridge. She had multiple ear piercings and a nose ring on her right side. Her eyes were no longer brown but a rich green. She smiled at how she looked showing her perfectly straight white teeth. There was a beauty mark above her lip and a small dimple on her right cheek. Her pasty white skin had turned into a toned tan and her body looked as if she'd worked out all her life. She held up her hand to see her slender fingers covered in mystical looking rings with a long set of black nails at her fingertips.

"Wow", she exclaimed taken aback by how her looks had matched what she'd always wanted to go for but never had the time for.

Pansy bolted through the door interrupting Rashana's newfound love for her appearance.

"That vain are we?" Pansy said sarcastically giving Rashana a dirty look. "Anyway I spoke to McGonagall turns out every second year has to have a roommate but if I have any further complaints she can accommodate me to something more suitable", she said the last part imitating Professor McGonagall's voice. "So you might wanna start kissing my ass", she said with a mischievous grin.

"Well I'm sure if she said that to you it goes both ways so you should take your own advice" Rashana replied back matching her energy.

"Whatever. I don't know why I'm still talking to you. I'm off to breakfast and I can't be late to potions the first day back", she said and glanced over at Rashana, "Better hope you're not either", she said in almost a concerned friendly manner. She left the room not as hastily as the last time.

Rashana looked on her desk and grabbed a couple books as if she'd knew which she needed already even though she had never been to class before. She changed into her green plaid skirt, white buttoned up shirt, black jacket, and emerald green striped tie. She felt the slytherin emblem patch on her jacket and thought "Slytherin huh? This should be fun"

She walked into the dining hall not quite sure where to sit. The houses were so obviously divided but no one called her over or seemed to know her from Slytherin. Instead everyone was actually staring at her like they'd just seen a ghost. "Oh god did I wear the wrong thing?", she thought as she tried not to make eye contact with all the staring eyes.

"Over here!" She heard a voice that sent chills down her spine. It was deep and smooth and she glanced over to see the boy it was coming from. He was sitting in the middle of the Slytherin table with Pansy to his left. He was waving her over as his friends giggled in the back. She sighed in relief happy to be released from what felt like an hour standing there with everyone staring at her. Her mood quickly changed as she walked over to him.

"Have you a concussion or something?" the blonde hair boy asked rudely. Blonde wasn't really the correct way to explain his hair. It was more white and parted in the middle hanging down beside each of his eyes. His eyes were a dull gray and his full pink lips let out a cunning smirk. "Maybe you're blind then. This is where we sit. You'll want to stick with us Slytherins and not mesh with the others. Mudbloods will do nothing but embarrass you", he said in an overly cocky tone in which everyone around him agreed. You could tell he was the kind of boy that got away with everything and was the leader of a group that no one dared to stand up to.

"Thanks for the advice", Rashana responded in an unimpressed tone. She could tell that irked him but it didn't shake him up enough to stop talking to her. "Move over Crabbe", he said shoving his heavy set friend to the side, "Sit." He looked at her up and down before she sat. "Why haven't I seen you around before? You're clearly a Slytherin and I think I'd remember a face like yours", he said. The words seemed like flirting but the way he said it made it seem like it was an insult.

"Uh I-" Rashana said trying to think of a better response than her shifting realities.

"Well who are your parents?", he interrupted before letting her explain.

"Calm down Draco you haven't even asked her her name", Pansy said playfully.

"Well neither have you. All you said was you had a bitchy roommate who appeared in your room and liked to stare at herself in the mirror!" Everyone around him laughed and Rashana could feel the blood rush to her face.

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy", he said turning his attention from the group and holding out his hand to Rashana.

I know, she thought. I clearly forgot to script you to be nicer.

Her eyes stared into his a bit longer than they should have but it didn't seem uncomfortable for either of them. She reached out her hand and met his cold firm grip feeling the rings on his hand clashing against hers.

"Rashana, Rashana Lacopa", she said maintaining eye contact.

Pansy grabbed Draco's shoulder causing him to turn toward her and break the eye contact. "Let's go to Snape's before Potions and get back seats. I hate staring up his nostrils all class."

Draco let off a light scoff and agreed. He glanced Rashana up and down one last time and got up from the table. Rashana finished her breakfast thinking about his voice, his eyes, and his hands touching hers...but above all she thought about how arrogant he was and that she would only find herself in trouble getting close to him.

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