And The Beginning

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Rashana's POV:

"Hey", I said and walked into Dapper's room.

"Hey", he said and motioned me to come in.

"I leave tomorrow", I said softly.

"I know", he said with a smile.

I walked over and sat on his bed.

"Are the nightmares any better?", he asked concerned.

"No", I said softly, "But I think I'll be okay."

"Are you nervous to go home?"


"Don't blame you."

I looked at him suspiciously.

"What?", he laughed, "It's gonna suck, I can't sugarcoat that."

"Yeah you're right", I whispered and laid back on his bed, wishing I could melt into it forever.


Turns out, Dapper was right. Adjusting back to home was a drag and school felt absolutely boring compared to Hogwarts. I wanted to be mixing potions instead of writing out AP Bio labs.

Everyday was starting to feel the same until I came home from school to him in my room.

My heart jumped out of my chest when I opened the door. He was standing in the corner of the room looking at my photographs on the wall.

"Holy shit!", I gasped and shut the door.

He turned and looked at me, his tall lanky body being startled himself.

"I thought it was your parents I almost just shit my pants", he said with a laugh.

I ran over to him and leapt in his arms.

"I missed you so much, I was wondering when you'd come back!"

He pulled away and looked at me seriously.

"What's wrong Freddie?", I said and looked up at him.

He shook his head slowly and looked at me. I knew it before he had even said the words.

"It's not Fred, Ras", he whispered softly.

I backed away from him with my eyes wide. It felt like my entire soul had left my body right then.

"No", I said in disbelief.

He looked at me with a sort of numb expression.

"No", I said again and my voice cracked. I shook my head and sat on my bed, "No I told him George I-", my voice gave out and I started crying.

"I know", he said and sat by me, "Shh it's okay", he said and patted my hair.

"But why didn't- He promised me", I whispered and kept crying in his arms.

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