Thoughts and Sessions

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Draco's Pov

I glanced down at my hand holding Rashana's and quickly pulled away. First I hugged her cheerfully after she healed my hand and now I'm involved in PDA? This is all too much and my stomach is frankly
churning I feel as if I might vomit. I have never showed this much emotion with anyone in the entirety of my life let alone a girl I just met.

I looked at her disappointed face.

"No yeah, I should be going anyway", she said as she drifted out of sight.

I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Besides a few nobodies exchanging weird glances, I was in the clear. I stood up tall and brushed off my robes and started toward my dorm.

Why was I letting a girl like her get in my head? She was a lame excuse of a Slytherin. She was too nice to the other houses, she associated with Potter, the scruffy Weasley family, and that mudblood whose name isn't even worth mentioning, and I didn't even know who her parents were. For all I know she could also be a mudblood. There was too much I didn't know about her, and I think that's one of the reasons why I'm so drawn to her.

I hated this feeling. The feeling of doubt about someone or something. I always tried to maintain power over everyone here and I've done a damn good job of it but she doesn't even hesitate to talk back to me. That's another thing that makes her so goddamn attractive. Her eyes when she's staring deep into mine with a cold gaze, the way her nose scrunches up when she's yelling at me, and the way her lips move with such control that I can't keep my eyes off them. Her cheeks get all red hot and I just want to grab her by her throat and pin her against the wall right there.

I had to kiss her in the rain. The way she stood there with her long wavy wet hair sprawled messily over her shoulder, her wet skirt sticking to her thighs perfectly outlining the shape of her body. I had imagined doing a million things to her right there but all I acted on was that kiss. I've kissed plenty of girls here in my time but none of them felt like that. It was warm and comforting in the cool rain. It made me

I threw my books off my desk and leaned over it.

No. No I cannot let this girl get in my head. I cannot let her see anymore soft sides of me. Not me hugging her, not me holding her hand, and most definitely not praising her for that weird healing shit. Who am I? Get it together Draco...Rashana is nothing but a distraction. I've never gotten attached to a girl here. Tons of hookups, stupid flings, and I left all of them still wanting me while they do nothing but disgust me in the end.

Rashana doesn't go out of her way to get my attention and it bugs me. The only way I'm going to be able to get her out of my head is if I get her so attached to me that I want nothing to do with her.

That's how it usually works. I mean I actually thought I had feelings for Pansy at first until she opened her mouth and all of her thoughts just mirrored mine. It was repulsive. That's what I'll do. I'll make Rashana so head over heels for me that she turns just like the rest of them. Nothing but a sad little schoolgirl with an obsession.

Rashana's Pov

"We know what you did"

My heart dropped. There's no way Hermione could be talking about her and Draco right? Gryffindors don't hang around the pit there's no way...

"Uh...I can explain", I said shakily.

"Please do it sounds absolutely amazing!" Hermione exclaimed.

Okay now I'm officially confused. Hermione is definitely not talking about Draco now.

"I've never heard of anyone having healing powers!", Hermione said shuffling the pages in her book, "I've been reading all about it and all of the spells are to be done with a wand."

I let out a sight of relief. That was a close one I'm happy my cover wasn't blown too quickly.

"Yeah she hasn't stopped babbling about it since Luna ran into her and told her", Ron muttered with his eyes still fixed on the chess match.

"Yeah it was surprising to me too I have no idea how I managed it still", I said with a lighthearted smile.

"It's brilliant Ras", Harry said looking into my eyes.

"Thanks Harry", I said looking in his light blue eyes. They were so different from Draco's. So soft and light.

"Anyway", I said breaking the eye contact, "What did you all want to tell me about yesterday?"

"Oh yeah", Hermione said excitedly. "We want you to teach us to you did! So that when you", She paused and grabbed my hand, "If you ever go back...we can shift and help you come back seamlessly."

"That would be absolutely amazing!", I said still astonished at how brilliant Hermione's mind was wired. "Too bad I barely know how it even happened, it almost was an accident."

"It's fine we can try and imitate what you did", Harry said, "Hermione wants to practice once a week", he said slightly rolling his eyes.

"AHA! Captured your Queen Harry you're still pretty rubbish at this", Ron said loudly, "And yeah for once I'd be excited to attend one of Hermione's scheduled practice sessions, shifting realities is way cooler than studying for exams."

"Don't be coy Ron we'll still fit in study sessions too", Hermione said rolling her eyes.

I laughed at all of them. They really were such a fun group to hang out with.

I wonder what Draco would feel about me hanging with them once a week. Who am I kidding I shouldn't care about him. It's not like we're an actual item or something. It was just a stupid kiss. I tried to ignore the familiar butterflies creeping in my stomach thinking back to our moment in the rain.

"Sounds great. I'll catch you guys every Saturday at 6:00 then?"

"Sounds lovely", Hermione said cheerfully and Ron and Harry agreed.

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