The Manor Pt. 2 + The Party

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Draco's POV:

This was going to be the death of me.

Everyone circled around the table. The air was cool, the room was silent. We all sat and awaited the inevitable.

Aunt Bellatrix kept glancing at me. She gave me a little smile. It was odd. The entire environment was.

I hated sitting at this table. I wish I was a young boy eavesdropping by the stairs still.

There was a flash of green. I knew it was him. I stared stone cold at the table. Didn't dare to look up.

I zoned out for most of it, not wanting to hear the plans. I thought of Rashana sitting in the greenhouse reading. She must be so cold right now.

"Draco", his voice sent chills down my spine. I slowly looked up and met his black eyes.

He got up from his chair. I tensed up. My knuckles turned white from clenching my fist so tightly.

Mother let out a shaky breath. Aunt Bellatrix gave me a little smile again. I didn't dare look at Father.

I heard his footsteps come near.

"Tonight is a very special one for you and your family", he said from behind me.

I didn't turn to face him. I knew this wasn't happening right now.

"Give me it son", he squeezed my shoulder tightly.

I slowly turned around. I wanted to bolt out of the room right then. I rolled up my sleeve and held out my left arm.

"Ah", he said and I flinched.

He gave me the speech. The one I have heard many times before, from listening in as a boy to sitting in this chair. I always dreaded the day that I'd be saying-

"I solemnly swear."

He pressed into my arm. I closed my eyes tight. It felt like someone was skinning me alive. Carving into my skin, branding me. That's exactly what it was.

"Another lost soul founded", he said with a grin.

I opened my eyes and looked down. There it was. Black as coal. Slithering around my arm. I looked at the skull. I felt as if I might throw up. I forced my sleeve down my arm. My lips quivered holding in the emotion. The sadness, the failure. It was hard to hold my composure until I looked over at Father. He had tears in his eyes too, but he gave me a slow smile. He looked proud, for the first time.

I don't want to be here. I no longer want to be at all.

Rashana's POV:

The guilt swept over me as I turned onto a blank page. I had read through Draco's entire diary.

The twins were right. His family most definitely worked with Voldemort. He was most certainly inside the manor right now.

Draco was right. I am attracted to broken people, I want to fix them, and after reading those pages I wanted nothing more than to mend the hurt inside him.

I sat in the chair wrapped in my blanket and opened up Romeo and Juliet. I flipped to a random page and began to read.

My only love sprung from my only hate. Too early seen unknown, and known too late-

The door handle turned and I shut the book softly. I saw the light peer through and Draco stood there in the frame.

"Ah finally", I said with a smile and got up, "Did you know Romeo and Juliet didn't live happily ever after?", I said playfully. "They died", I gasped theatrically.

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