The Thunderstorm

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    Rashana woke up quite early the next morning happy to hear the birds chirping outside. The crisp fall air swooped in through her cracked window. Hogwarts smelled like they lived inside of a pumpkin spice candle at this time of year. The Halloween Feast was tonight and Rashana was beyond excited to see all of the decorations.

She got ready for the day and checked her schedule. No classes today, she thought as she let out a sigh, I can't believe it's the weekend already.

Pansy was still fast asleep in her bed so Rashana knew it had to have been early. She glanced at her clock, 7:34am. She decided to go for a walk. Mostly everyone else was still sleeping in on a Saturday and she wanted to clear her head.

She started off down the steps and out the common room. She annoyingly waited for the stairs to change and made her way down past the dining hall where she stopped in her tracks. She couldn't help but stare in amazement at all of the decorations. There were floating pumpkins and bats flying around near the ceiling, smoky cauldrons were the centerpieces of each table, and the room was full of pumpkin pasties and apple pie among other beautifully crafted deserts. She looked at the ceiling on the sky which was enchanted to look like the weather. It was rainy and the sun was just coming up.

Wow, Rashana looked up. Guess the walk will have to wait, she thought as she walked in headed straight for the food. She was the only one in the dining hall apart from a few Ravenclaw students.

She stared wide-eyed at the banquet and filled her plate with a maple cider donut, a pumpkin pasty, and a piece of toast with honey. She went over to the drink station and poured herself a cup of hot cocoa.

"All very corny isn't it?", she heard someone say in a sleepy voice as they approached her.

She turned around. Draco Malfoy was standing there looking like he'd just rolled out of bed. His hair was messy and his voice was low and coarse.

"I think it's magnificent", Rashana said taking a bite of her donut.

"I think that the professors should spend a little more time teaching these dumb witted students instead of pouring their efforts into holiday spirit", he said with a sneer.

"What are you the grinch of Halloween?" Rashana asked with a mouthful of donut. "And why are you here so early if you hate it so much? I didn't peg you for a morning person."

"I might hate the gaudy decor but the food is the best they've got all year", he said glancing at the stack of apples, "If I don't come early there'll be nothing good left. Just wait until the Weasleys get here, this entire table will be cleared, even the crumbs left on the platters."

"I don't think you have to worry about them eating all of your precious apples Draco", Rashana said with a laugh. "There's plenty more tempting things to eat."

"Like that?", he said looking disgustingly at her plate full of food. "Careful there Rashana, one more pumpkin pasty and you might have to buy a new skirt for next year. Keep eating like that and Hagrid might have to give you a few stores to shop at", he said with a smile.

Rashana took an obnoxious bite of her pumpkin pasty and said with her mouthful, "How about you stop worrying about my body and start worrying about taming that foul mouth of yours", she said as she brushed passed him.

She took a seat and watched Draco grab an apple, a piece of pumpkin pie and a glass of apple cider from afar. He turned and scanned the dining hall and hesitantly walked over to her.

"Why is it that my only choice of seating is always next to you?" He said as he threw his plate on the table and sat.

"What do you mean? There's an entire dining hall full of empty seats right now", Rashana said annoyed.

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