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Rashana sat all through the day full of nerves thinking of visiting the manor with Draco tomorrow. She had only today to come up with an entire life story to present to them. She chewed her pencil nervously in potions. She tapped her foot so rapidly that Harry grew concerned for her.

Rashana's POV:

"Everything alright Ras?", Harry finally asked.

I looked up and saw him awkwardly staring at my chewed pencil.

"Er- uh yeah", I said and set my pencil on my desk.

"You've been acting anxious all day", he said and put his hand on my rapid leg.

I took a deep breath and slowed it down. I turned around to look at Draco, he was jotting notes down.

I turned back to Harry, "Okay so", I whispered, "Draco invited me to the manor tomorrow."

"The manor?", he asked loudly.

"Shh", I hit his arm and nodded toward Draco, "Yes the manor, the Malfoy fucking manor."

"My Godric that sounds terrifying", he said with a disgusted face and a quieted tone, "What did you say?"

"I said yes", I whispered.

"Bloody hell", he shook his head slightly.

"Right? I need to come up with an entire life story by tonight you already know Mr. Malfoy is about to bombard me with questions", I said and my leg began tapping rapidly again.

"Oh yeah", he said, "I almost forget you're not actually from here."

"Mhm, bit of a drag in this situation inninit?"

"Total bummer."

"After classes we should all meet up and begin brainstorming ideas."

"Ah yes, I can even invite the Weasley twins they know a lot about their Dad's Ministry work maybe they know a fair share of history too."

"Okay yes thank you", I said and let out a sigh. The stress was finally starting to be relieved.


After class I met the trio in the dining hall and we agreed to go to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to chat about the stories I'd be making up for tomorrow. No one ever goes in there so we'd be insured privacy. We ate our food and headed up.

"I'm so dragging hearing Moaning Myrtle right now", Ron said rolling his eyes.

"She's not that bad", Hermione replied.

"You're joking right?", he said raising an eyebrow.

We all walked into the bathroom and sure enough the first thing we heard was Myrtle wailing in the stall.

"Just tune her out it'll be fine", Ron said with a scoff.

"Oh yes just tune me out", Moaning Myrtle called out from the stall. She opened it and drifted out. "I wish I was deaf so I didn't have to hear you all bickering about me all day", she sniffled and went back to crying in her stall.

Hermione gave Ron a piercing look and he shrugged.

We all took a seat against the wall. Hermione took out her notebook and quill and turned to a blank page.

"Over-prepared much?", Ron said raising an eyebrow.

"She'll need to study the notes no way she will remember all of this in one sitting", Hermione said dryly.

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