Lights Out

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(MESSAGE FROM THE WRITER: HEY YALL sorry i haven't written in a while hehe ive been busy but i'm happy you guys are liking it so far. just a heads up...this chapter is pretty ~mature~ LMFAO it gets a little spicy and detailed so uh- SORRY BAHHA but if you're uncomfy or underage i advise you to skip past it 😳 LOL carry on xoxo <3)

Rashana's POV:

I walked back to my dorm and got ready for the feast. Pansy was babbling about how corny the entire ceremony is each year in the same tone Draco was speaking in this morning but I could tell she was hiding her excitement. I hated when people did that. Putting on a façade is what's corny. At least coming from Draco it was real. Everything was real about him. As much as he wanted to remain a closed book it was so easy to read him. His facial expressions always gave away his thoughts especially when he's trying to hide his soft side. He's just so conditioned to live like that because of his family.

I thought of the memory I saw when healing his hand. The scared little Draco putting his hand up in fear to block his father's hit. It made me feel sick to my stomach. It made me want to hug him and tell him it was going to be okay but I knew better.

"Alright let's go", Pansy said as she finished applying her chapstick.

We walked out of the common room and headed toward the dining hall. We could hear the muttered conversations already. The entire school was heading down to the feast.

There were so many students when I glanced up that I had lost Pansy in the sea of people. I frantically looked around trying to spot her when I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me.

I could already tell by the firm grip that it was Draco. He led me into a darker side corridor and pushed me against the wall.

"What are you doing Draco?" I asked dryly pretending not be excited to see him.

"I told you I think this whole thing is a bore, I've got better plans lined up for us", he said with a grin.

"That's nice but I kind of want to, you know, eat dinner like a normal person", I said ducking under his arm and slipping away from the wall.

He came up behind me and grabbed my waist and turned me back around.

"Cmon, live a little", He said squeezing my waist, "I promise it'll be a good time."

Now I had no idea what he was rambling on about. Was he trying to insinuate something? Oh, he isn't talking about hooking up is he?

"Fine", I said coldly but my stomach twisted up with anticipation. If it wasn't Draco Malfoy standing there tempting me I would've ran in the other direction to eat some of the delicious food waiting for me. He was just too irresistible and the ways his eyes were glaring at me with desire made me forget all about the feast.

"Good girl", he said as he smiled mischievously and grabbed my hand to run down the hallway.

"Where are we going?", I said laughing lightly so no one would hear us. I had never seen the adventurous side of Draco. To be honest I hadn't seen many sides besides the bitter one so this was even more intriguing to me.

After a while he led me to a small dark room. It was pitch black to where I couldn't even see him. All I could hear was our breath panting from all the running we'd done.

"Where are we?", I whispered softly.

"The power room", he said softly. I could feel his breath against my cheek so we must've been inches apart. Chills soared down my spine.

"Lumos", Draco said as his wand lit up. The light revealed one switch right behind him. He let out a little smile and turned. "This is the switch to blow out all the candles that light up this shithole", he said with a laugh. "Every chandelier, every inch of this bloody school. Don't know how they set this up, pretty stupid if you ask me, clearly hasn't been touched in years they even forgot to lock the door."

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