Detention and The Song

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Rashana looked at Snape and her stomach dropped. I've really done it this time, she thought.

"Miss Lacopa", Snape said uncrossing his arms and walking over to her, "Not only were you late to class but you also failed to meet me after."

She stood there playing with the end of her skirt nervously.

Snape walked around her and she could feel his cold gaze. He stepped back in front of her.

"I looked through your files", he said in a cold tone, "It says you've been enrolled since first year but not a single professor or student recalls you."

Rashana's heart pounded hoping that her time here wouldn't end. As different as Hogwarts was she really didn't think they'd be fond of her being from an entirely different universe.

"I uh- I was enrolled here but didn't receive my letter until late. You see my parents...they uh- they passed and I got my letter with their belongings along with their will", she blurted out without thinking how the details would add up.

"And your parents were?", Snape said squinting his eyes.

Rashana took a second to think about this one. She had forgotten that if her parents had gone to Hogwarts Snape probably would've known him from his class.

"Jonathan and Marie Lacopa", she muttered quickly.

"I don't recall their names Miss Lacopa, did they attend Hogwarts or are they muggles?", he said in a disgusted tone.

"No no", she said quickly not wanting to be thought of as a mudblood. "They went to a different school of magic...I- I forget the name. My memory isn't the best", she said looking at the ground.

"Clearly", Snape replied. He took one more glance at Rashana. "I'm onto you Miss girl, and you are to report to detention at 6 o'clock tonight", he said as he swiftly walked past her and out the corridor.

Rashana sighed as she made her way up to her dorm. Detention was better to her than Snape finding out the truth about her. She was just happy she got sorted into Slytherin because as cold as Snape was the last thing he'd want is a student of his house looking bad. If she were in Gryffindor she probably would've had 100 points off by now.

She walked up to her room, opened her door and walked in. She walked over to her bed, plopped into it, and let out a big sigh.

"Rough day huh?", Pansy looked up from her sketchbook she was scribbling in.

"Yup. Snape's given me detention", Rashana said rolling her eyes.

"Oof, that'll be fun", she said sarcastically, "Especially with Draco there, he always tends to make it less boring-"

"You've got to be joking!", Rashana said sitting up.

"Wish I was. We were supposed to go to the Forbidden Forrest tonight and mess with the Centuars but his dumbass got detention", she said continuing to scribble in her sketchbook, "Total bummer."

Rashana sat there thinking of how detention might go. She wondered if Draco would be excited to see her or dread it. She was confused on which one she felt at the moment.

"By the way you've got a letter", she said throwing an already opened envelope toward her.

"Dear Ras, meet me outside Gryffindor common room at 6:00. Signed Harry Potter", Pansy said in a patronizing tone. "Didn't know you and Potter were on a nickname basis. Looks like detention ruined both our plans tonight", she said with a smirk.

Rashana ripped the letter out and read exactly what Pansy just mimicked. She moved her finger over the ink. Harry's handwriting was legible but looked as if
his mind worked faster than his hands. The words flowed into one another and were slanted slightly. She smiled at the fact that the Harry Potter had written her letter. She imagined him slipping it under her door and scurrying away.

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