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Rashana's days were very bleak after she awoke. She pretended to be involved in the conversations with her friends, she ate and slept in the normal dose, but she did not feel the same. Her mind always wandered, and no matter how much she consumed or how often she slept, she always felt empty.

The days went by and more of the group left to return home, leaving only Pluto and Dapper for her company. It was saddening to see the original group leave, but she wished them the best. Her heart was too crushed to take anymore solemnly goodbyes so she blocked out the feeling with constant business. She was writing in her journal when Pluto came in to bear the news.

Rashana's POV:

"Guess what guess what guess what", Pluto excitedly barged in the room and ran over and plopped on my desk.

"What?", I said raising my eyebrow.

It was hard to match her level of constant enthusiasm and I knew it sometimes dragged her down so I forced a smiling to pretend I was intrigued.

"They're finally letting me out of this shithole", she said as her face lit up with happiness.

"You're kidding", I said half excited for her and half disappointed on my behalf, "That's- that's awesome I'm so happy for you."

"Right!", she let out a sigh and hopped off the desk, "But I'll miss you terribly Matrix, you'll have to call me when you're out!"

She gave me a tight hug and rocked me side to side.

"Here", she said and tore a sheet of paper from my journal. She jotted down her phone number and handed it to me.

"I'll be sure to call when I'm out", I said and tucked the paper in the front of the cover, "It'll be lonely here without you."

"Oh please you'll have Dapper for company!", she said flailing her arms like it wasn't a big deal, "And plus you're out in a few days anyway."

I looked up at her and let out a forceful smile. I couldn't believe that it had already been nearly two weeks since I got here...and eight days since I had left Hogwarts. That meant it had been a little over five months there, and I couldn't imagine what had been going on. I could've survived that night, but the chance that I didn't overcame the possibility that I did. I wanted to try and go back so many times, but it seemed that my subconscious was always blocking me from doing it. The fear would always consume me as I remembered that black emptiness that I had felt right before I snapped back here and the thought of me returning after so long did nothing but sadden me and fill me with regret.

"Hey", Pluto said and pushed my hair behind my ear. She did this a lot lately, she knew I would zone out and that I was falling into a depression but she always found a way to bring me back to life.

"You're going to be okay, and they will too", she said softly, "You'll find a way back, somehow, I just know it."

"Thank you", I said with a smile, "For everything."

"Of course", she said and bounced up, "But no goodbye talk yet, I leave tomorrow morning."

"Then we must make this night unforgettable", I said cheering up.

"That we must", she said pointing her finger and turning toward the door.


Our last night was good together, we danced and played card games and the staff even baked Pluto a farewell cake. I had cried when she left, which was a good sign because I wasn't feeling much of anything as of late, but she promised we would keep in touch and I believed her.

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