Blank Space

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I walked around everywhere that night trying to pick up the pieces of where Draco could be, and why he left so abruptly. After aimlessly roaming the halls for hours with Harry, Ron, and Hermione the defeat was starting to sink in.

"I dunno", whispered Ron to Harry, "It's not like he's hiding in the walls, this seems pretty pointle-"

"You know you never were a good whisperer Ron", Hermione whipped around crossing her arms.

Ron stared blank faced still leaning close to Harry. He slowly backed away and let out an innocent smile. He dropped the act and rolled his eyes.

"Fine", he said with a shrug, "I'm sorry Rashana I know you want to find clues or whatever but walking around the school isn't going to make him magically appear."

"Will you stop being so INSENSTIVE-"

"Hermione no it's fine", I said and held her back, "He's right I'm being- it's stupid and dragging you guys with me is just selfish, especially on the basis of finding Malfoy", I looked at them with a half smile.

They all looked at me guiltily. "We can stay if you want us to", Hermione said softly.

"I know you'd rather be studying right now", I said warmly.

Harry came over to me and grabbed both of my hands, "If he wanted to see you when you woke up, he would've been here", he said looking into my eyes.

I know he probably meant that as a way to cheer me up, make me feel like I'm loved for the people who are actually here for me but it just stung instead. It made me feel empty, like a hallowed out shell accumulating dust, waiting for the void to be filled again.

I gave him a little nod and the only bit of a smile I could force out.

"Alright I'm starving", Ron said with a sigh, "Let's go eat dinner."

Hermione shot Ron a disappointed look but they all made their way down the hall anyway. They turned back toward me where my feet were cemented to the floor.

"Coming with?", Harry called out.

"Not tonight", I said turning toward them, "I'll catch up with you later."


After another hour I had checked every spot for a sign or clue that Draco might've left for me. I went to the pit where our first kiss was, the closet with the candle switch, the class room from our first time, the astronomy tower, and the couch where I'd caught him playing guitar. Nothing was there, not a thing. No sign of him wanting me to find him when I awoke. Maybe they were right, maybe he'd just given up hope and couldn't bear it anymore.

I finally became desperate, so desperate that I went up to Crabbe and Goyle's room to bombard them with questions.

Their room was the same standard size as everyone else's but it looked small and crowded with their mess. Clothes sprung around everywhere, not a single book was standing straight on the bookshelf, and it smelled like a middle school boys locker room.

I tried to hide the disgust on my face as I looked at Goyle standing in the doorway.

"Oi Crabbe, Malfoy's girl is awake now", Goyle said shocked.

"No jokes?", Crabbe replied and walked over.

"No jokes. Look", Goyle said making room for Crabbe to peer his big head through.

"Wish I could see the look on his face when he saw her."

"Ha! Me too."

"It's been awfully quiet with him not around."

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