Rough Morning

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Rashana woke up the next morning happy to find herself still at Hogwarts. She turned around in her silk sheets and felt as though she didn't even want to get up. Of course she loved being at Hogwarts and all but she had been so busy she felt exhausted.

She turned back over and thought to herself Just five more minutes. Right as she was drifting back to sleep she heard her door open. Pansy always tried to be quiet for the most part when she slept so she didn't worry that she'd be awoken again. That wasn't until she heard:

"Rashana", a soft whisper came from the side of her bed. She turned squinting and let out a groan.

"What do you wantttt-", she opened her eyes a bit more to see Draco leaning over her bed, "Draco?", she asked wide eyed finally waking up fully.

"I thought I told you not to call me that?", he said softly as a gentle smile came across his face.

This was totally not the Draco Rashana was used to. His words usually came off sarcastic, he was always bitter, and he most certainly didn't wake her up and smile at her softly.

"I'm sorry I forgot", she said sheepishly as the tiredness wept from her skin.

"Don't sweat it love", he said as he tucked her hair behind her ear, "I kinda missed hearing you say my name."

Rashana suddenly felt a warm wave come over her as the butterflies she usually felt now fluttered throughout her entire body.

Rashana didn't know how to react. She wondered why Draco was acting so different all of a sudden. Maybe she woke up two weeks later and completely missed some turn of events, it wouldn't come as a surprise to her considering how unpredictable her life has been lately. The curiosity was burning inside her and she couldn't help herself from asking.

"Why are you all of a sudden acting like this?", she said as she sat up in her bed with the silky sheets draping over her body. "I thought you hated everything, especially me."

Draco sat on the bed with his back leaned against the wall and his feet hanging off the side.

"I do hate most things, but I was wrong about you", he said as he finally let out a genuine smile. "Come here", he said as he patted his legs.

Rashana scooted over and put her legs over his and leaned her head against his shoulder. She smelled his cologne and felt his cheek against her forehead. She was used to his cold touch but this time he felt warm and welcoming. He wrapped his arm around her and started playing with her hair.

"Look- I'm sorry for treating you the way I've been", he said softly, "It's just, I don't know how to act around you. I want to say what's really on my mind but every time I look at you my words get all scrambled- I lose my train of thought...I just", he said trailing off not being able to finish his explanation.

Rashana sat there wondering if maybe Draco was right about her being deaf. She couldn't believe she actually heard him apologize.

"Well, what's on your mind now?", she said as she moved her head ever so slightly to look up at him.

He looked at her and gazed into her eyes, "This", he said as he lifted up her chin and kissed her softly.

Rashana backed up for a second surprised at what just happened but before she could decide whether or not it was a good idea her hand was pulling Draco in and they kissed passionately. His cold smooth lips tasted like peppermint and his tongue like the apple they had shared at the pit.

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