Exam Day

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The next day felt better than the rest. Rashana woke up feeling rejuvenated from the night before. She was finally learning to balance her social life and no matter how chaotic the events were that led up to it, she still felt relieved. Even though today was test day, she was up bright and early ready to conquer the day. She had adapted to numerous other things since her shift to Hogwarts and now she felt that she could pass all of her exams with flying colors.

Rashana's POV:

I let out a deep sigh and looked out the window. It was a beautiful sort of day, the weather was now chilly but still comfortable. I got dressed, did my hair and put on a nice set of makeup. I put on my rings and was humming all the while putting my socks on. Even though today was test day I was unbelievably chipper. I felt like everything was lining up for me.

I sat on the edge of my bed to put on my shoes when I had heard it. It was a loud bang, a rumbling of the entire school. I looked up at Pansy who was brushing her hair. A shocked expression spread across her face.

"What in the world was that?", she asked astonished.

"I haven't the slightest idea", I said with my heart beating rapidly from the shock.

I could hear footsteps run down the hall and Pansy and I both gave each other a glance and then ran to the door to check. We peeped our heads through and saw a bunch of confused looking students chatting about the noise and a few others running to go see what the commotion was about.

"It sounded like it could've came from Snape's room", I overheard one of the students say as they scurried down the hall.

"Oh", I said aloud and slammed the door.

I turned my back against the door and started laughing uncontrollably. My stomach was hurting from how much I let out.

"What Rashana?", Pansy grabbed my shoulder and shook it, "Are you mad? Why are you laughing, am I missing something?"

I put my hand over my mouth and shook my head.

"The twins", I said still giggling a tad.

"Don't tell me they blew up the school for heavens sake they are taking this prank thing too far someone could've been killed, those no good scrubby Weasleys I-"

"Oh stop being so dramatic", I said sinking to the ground even more with a giggle, "They only switched around some potions in Snape's...classic", I shook my head and imagined Snape's face when it all went down. This only triggered more laughter.

Pansy's face scrunched up and she looked like she was going to harp on the twins some more but instead she quickly looked up and said, "Oh my goodness we might get out of that dreadful potions test today!"

"Mhm", I said nodding my head as the laughter finally subsided.

"They'll be crowned heroes for this one", she said and this time she laughed, "Imagine the look on Snape's face!"

We sat together on the floor laughing at the image of Snape's reaction for what felt like an hour.

"You know I'm kinda happy I met you Rashana", she said as she leaned her shoulder on me, "I think I may have even grown to call you a friend."

A feeling of warmth came over me. It was especially different to hear those words coming from Pansy. She rarely ever showed friendly affection toward me and it was nice to finally clarify that we were getting close, even if we did annoy each other most of the time.

"You too Pansy", I said giving her a warm smile, "Life's less boring when there's more girls around", I said remembering the first thing she said to me when she asked me to hang around.

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