part 3

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*karasuno gym locker room entrance*

     You were about to walk in but as soon as you did, a voice stops you
'Excuse me, can you help me find the gym... oh were here already. Never mind then, thank you for your time. Hey aren't you y/n?'  God, anyone but her. It was yamaguchi's girlfriend, the pest. You look her up and down and fake a smile. 'I am, your yamaguchi's girlfriend right? Nice to meet you, I dont think we'd ever talked one on one'. She speaks but your not listening, you could care less honestly, but the thought of yamaguchi makes you smile. He face wanders around your head, you'd do anything to be with him, to touch him, especially alone. 'If you dont mind, I really have to go get changed now' you say. She nods and follows you in the gym locker room. You walk to the end of the room, its were your locker is, you pull out a hand  and open it. And as you do, you smile. 'It smells just like him' you say.

You stole one of his colognes and you've placed it in here. Where else would you put it? You have to many things of him in your room aleady, his underwear in which you've stolen from his house, an old toothbrush, his homework and even pieces of hair you've found. You loved his hair and found it weird if you asked him to touch it, so you stole it from him instead. It was the easiest way to do so.

*flashback to when you stole his things*

     You check your watch, you read 9:32 exactly. Him and his parents when out to who knows where, but you knew you'd never get a chance like this to get a piece of him. You walk up to their back door in all black. Your not worried about anyone seeing you since theres plenty of trees and bushes covering the back. They always leave the back door open, so this will only take 5 minutes, in and out.

You get in the house and look around. It looked the same as 4 years ago, the same white walls, grey carpet, same paintings hung up, and that ugly table in the kitchen both you and yams hate. You've been friends since birth, who knew something like this would have happened. You walk up the stairs, take a left and arrive in his room. Before stepping in, you take a good whiff and smell the air. 'Smells so good' you thought, you walk in and immediately take his cologne. You look around, theres posters and pictures of him and his friends, and her. God he doesnt deserve her, he needs someone better. Someone like you.

You walk away and decide to look in his clothing drawers, maybe you'll find something there? You open the first drawer, and when you do, you notice it's his underwear drawer. Oh god. What will you do? You cant just leave now and pretend like nothing happened, might as well look through them. You grab a pair with little green frogs on them, 'how cute' you thought. You bring it closer to you face and smell it. Ledt to right, up and down, everywhere. It smelled just like him. You quickly put it in your pocket and keep walking.

You've checked everywhere in his room and thought to check the rest of the house for his belongings. The bathroom. Everyone has things in there right? You walk over there while humming a song, his favorite song. You've memorized it and sing it everywhere you go now, hoping he'll sing back.

You walk in the bathroom and look in the mirror. You think about everything you've done and what you wanna do. Is it bad? Or is this normal? What will he think of me if he finds out? You looked away from the mirror, hoping he never finds out. Theres toothbrushes out on the sink. Three of them, and one of them is his. You pick up the purple one, because you know he loves the color purple, he told you that 6 years ago.

30 minutes later, you decide it's time to leave. 'I have everything I want now' you say to yourself. You place everything that has moved because of you and you head downstairs. As soon as you walk out the door, his smell leaves and you breathe in fresh air. 'How gross' you think. You head back home and hide everything of his in hard places to find in your room. hoping only you knew where they would be..

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