For this chapter, I suggest listening to space song by beach house, adds a little flavor near the end😼

It's been around five mintues, no sign of tadashi. Maybe he really did leave.
Guess he didnt want to get caught
you said to yourself, fully believing what you said.

More time has gone by, but the air felt different. Something wasn't right. Something felt.. bad.

"Hello, y/n".

Who the fuc-

"I'm detective Levi. I'm gonna need you to come with me, we need to you to answer some questions on your disappearance and a suspected murder. Now if you dont mind, please, follow me". He turns around and starts walking away, with a quite terrible posture, poor back of his.

You take a first step, still unsure if this is the right thing to do. You wanted to go home, live normally again, but, you didnt want to lose, him. He brought love into your life, joy... well, sometimes. But most importantly, he made you feel special, no matter his mood.


Yams. Thank god hes ok. You turn around and rush towards him, hoping he would let you fall into his arms. But he didn't, he stood near the train tracks, with a wide smile. What was he gonna do? You stop in your tracks, facing him. Was he ok?

"Y/n, whatever happens next, I want you to go back to where we stayed. In our room, theres a box in the closet, I want you to have it. You got that?"

Tears filled his eyes, and they started shining like stars. You never knew his eyes were so beautiful, it made you slightly jealous. A tear rolled down your cheek, and as you looked up, tadashis eyes filled with more and more tears, but they no longer had room for the tears, so they began spilling on his pink cheeks.

"Y/n," Levi had began, "I really need to come with... are you her kidnapper?" He looks at you, then back to tadashi. "Sir I need you on your knees, now! Everybody, move behind me, we don't know if he has a weapon or not!" He pulled out a gun, making sure everyone knew he was superior in this moment. Pointing it to the man you love..

The station started to be filled with yells, cries, loudness. You couldn't stand it anymore, it was to loud.

"Your attention please, platform number 8. The train to the next town over will be heading our way soon. Please make sure you have your tickets and your family with you. Be safe and have fun", the announcer said. A girl maybe, she sounded really young. About 22 to 34, maybe? Whatever, that doesn't matter.

Tadashi looked down on you, grabbing your hands, still dried with blood.

"I'm sorry, y/n, just know that I wasn't in the right mind. But I'm free now, because of you. Thank you" before finishing, you could see the next train arriving in the corner of your eye, but you paid no attention to that. You're full attention was on your lover.

"Tadashi Yamaguchi, don't make me repeat myself. Get on your knees before we do things we dont want to do. Do it for her." The gun, still aiming at tadashi, but no fear nor pain showed in his eyes. He  went completely numb in a small amount of time. He looked and even felt like a different person, and it made your heart hurt in some way.

"Y/n, do as I say, ok?" Yamaguchi let go of both hands, placing them in his pockets. "Back up". You back up, unaware of what's going on.

"you're free, my love, and so am I. Finally. I hope we see each other in another life, you meant a lot to me. I love you, dont forget about me, ok?."      "Yams what are-" he leaped backwards into the coming train.

Complete silence filled the station.

No words could describe what happened. Nobody was expecting a death. Especially not like this. The train stopped, amazed in what he had just hit. His body was full with blood. You couldnt even tell it was him. He no longer looked like him. He looked like a complete stranger.

You tried screaming for help, but no words came out. Nothing. The gods had taken the boy you loved, and you hated them for doing that.

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