You stood there and listened as the tall man spoke to you. "Hello? Miss I'm gonna need you to answer me. Are you or are you not f/n  l/n?"

Those words went through one ear and out the next, unable to understand how they had found you.
Had tadashi given up on you so easily? Was his mind finally back in the right state?

You stop asking questions and realize that the man now looked terrified at how you never answered. They had finally found you. You were able to go home now, see your parents, your "friends", go back to normal. But the man who captured you wasnt about to let that happened.

He hid behind the larger man in front of you and hit his fragile skull with a crowbar. Blood scattered all over your poor face. You open your mouth to taste his blood but another hit was taken to the poor officer, leaving more blood on both you and your lover. "miss me my love?", he questioned, tilting his head to the side with the crowbar resting on his left shoulder.

"someone doesnt look happy to see me" he says as he cleans up the bloody mess on the floor, putting the blood in a black bucket. There was so much blood you swore you could bathe in it. "Where were you yams?" you asked, but no answer was heard until a couple seconds pass. "Went to go pick up some things, guys you wont be needed them now huh, looks like we gotta go, but before we do, how bout a bath?" He looks at you and turns his head to bucket.

"Pretty nice right?" He says as you both bathe in the lukewarm blood of the officer. "They say that bathing in an enemy's blood makes you look younger and more beautiful, did you know that?" he asks as he plays with your hair, sitting behind you in the bathtub. "..yams I wanna get out, I dont like this.." you say as he tugs on a piece of your hair out, playing with the strand he just took out. "Yams that hurt! Be nice with me.." you say as you sink into his body, covered in the blood of somebody else. "How could you not like this?

Be happy I even thought about you, ungrateful whore." He arms start going above your head, forcing your head into the blood under you. "YAMS! STOP IT-" you were cut of by blood going into your mouth, making you choke as large breathes left your mouth, choking in the blood. You tug at his arms and leave scratches on them, giving him a sign that you could no longer breathe. The hits started going slower and weaker, and with each lost breathe, you became unconscious, loosing all thoughts and mobility of your own body.

You wake up on the couch, body stained in blood. "Yams, what happened?" You ask him as he grabs your arm, "you killed him"

what? No..
Theres no way.. did you kill the officer?

"I did?" You ask yams, tears failling down your face. "You did, but it's ok, I'll help you clean, we'll ge through this my love. I cant believe you killed the poor guy, he didn't do anything at all." He smiles, hoping you'd buy his lie.

"This is officer Yuri, are you there? We need an answer immediately, did you find anything or anyone suspicious? Over."

You look up at tadashi, seeing him smile and his eyes light up with stars. "Tonights about to get interesting my dear, go pack up, we need to leave now, and take the bags behind, their your clothes" he says as he grabs the walkie talkie off the pants of the dead officer. "I said NOW, do you  WANNA BE LEFT HERE TO DIE? Because I WILL leave YOU HERE!!". The sudden change of speech made you understand how much he wanted you to pack.

You quickly nod and leave the room, heading off to the room you share with him and start putting the little things you own in bags.

"This is.." tadashi grabs the officers name tag and reads it at loud to the other man on the walkie talkie. "..Officer Erwin and wanted to let you know nothing is off here, everything seems good, normal healthy couple here, no worries, over." He flips the talkie over and talks out its batteries, leaving both the talkie and them man dead.

"We must leave dearest, hurry up!" he shouted from the other side of the room, hoping you had heard him. "I'm coming, but can you help with the bags please?" You ask as you walk out the room, giving him a bag. "Of course, here I'll take them" he grabs two of them and leaves you with one. He starts walking off with them and opens the front door for you to head out, "ladies first, go start the car and wait, I need to lock the door" he kisses your forehead and watches you step out the house, covered in blood, hoping you never stepped back in there after what happened.

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