I suggest listening to tears of the lynx on the banana fish album 🤪

you got into the taxi and told the driver the address to the cabin. He told you it would be awhile, so you decided to sleep the time away. (it makes sense I swear).

you closed your eyes and saw a dot. The got came closer and closer, which eventually turned into a human figure. It came out quite buff, tall. It was a man. But who?

The longer you looked at it, the more clear it became. It wore nothing but skin. Flesh seeping out of its body, blood everywhere, fresh and dry. A few fingers missing too. I wonder what happened to him you thought, but whatever happened, he didn't deserve it. You started feeling bad for the poor soul, still not knowing who it was.

The stranger.. angel, let's call him, seemed to be older, mature as well. What had happened to him? Had he done something wrong? Had someone done this to him? Or had he done it? You had many questions about this angel, but he never showed any signs that he could talk.

Even though we called him an angel, he wasn't wearing a halo.. so maybe he wasn't an angel? Maybe he had some something bad in his life?
The boy started to open his eyes, but no other colour than white showed. they were so bright, it was beautiful. Just like his eyes, his eyelashes and eyebrows were white as well, but his hair was a dark green, such a nice green. The figure had tried to open its mouth, but couldn't when blood poured out its mouth.

A sudden bump on the road had woken you up, taking you away from the dream you had. "Alright, were here. It's 12.67$.  Card or cash?". The drivers words had went thru an ear and out the next, paying no attention to what he had said. "Hello? Are you deaf or what? Pay up or we're leaving".  You blinked rapidly, coming back into the world and out of the white fluffy clouds. Feeling a feeling like this was rare, in fact, it never even happened before. Since the day you met him, you'd wanted to stay with him forever. He was perfect, with such a nice smile, his perfect freckles all over his pale and fragile body, and that brain of his that was quite messed up. But he was absolutely flawless to you. The world never deserved a man like him.

"No, I don't have money, I'm leaving" you told the driver, unbuckling your seat and touching the handle on the door. "WHAT? NO, miss, miss, haha, you need to pay up" he said. You couldn't see his face, his hat covering it, it was tilted. He looked up at you and chuckled, smirking at you. "Hello dearest, miss me?" the voice sounded so familiar, but it wasn't him right?

You try to get a good look, hoping it was just your brain messing with you. And it was, because yams isnt here anymore, and you know it. You saw him being ripped apart by that train. The blood everywhere, train, the civilians, train tracks. You started to tear up at the thought, you missed him, but he angered you. He left you in this world, alone. With nothing but a box to remind you of him.

You ran out of the car, hoping he wouldn't follow you, and he didn't. The doorknob on the cabin was still stained with blood. You open it without having a second thought, but you look back and notice the car gone.  was he in a rush? doesn't matter, I'm home now.

you head up to your and tadashi's room, hoping to find that box he talked about. The place was freezing cold and made you shiver, but it didnt bother you that much, you had too much on your mind.

You open the closet door and see it. A white box with bright yellow sunflowers on it. You thought it was weird since he never showed signs he liked bright colors. He didnt seem like the flower boy type either.. At least the one you got to know didn't. You head into the kitchen and grab a chair to reach it. But when you walk into the kitchen, only two chairs are there, one for you, and one for tadashi.

you head back into the room and place the chair in front of the closet. You take hold of the bright box with a steady balance, and and gently place it on the bed. what the hell is in this? It felt heavy, yet so light. The weight of holding back tears and pressure, somehow, were all making your head spin, unable to even understand why he even left a box.

The box felt cold when you grabbed it, and with a deep breath, you closed your teary eyes and opened it.

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