Sorry this chapter is short, I just thought it would be a good cliffhanger lol

"A what?" He glances over at you quickly, then looking back outside of his car window, pretending to not know what you were saying. "tadashi.." you grab his hand hoping he wouldnt push it away, and stare into his eyes. "one day," you start slowing your breathing, scared of what he might say back. "one day I wanna start a family with tadashi.." you look outside the frozen window to your right, noticing a little cabin made of out cedar wood. It was actually quite nice, it seemed really comfortable to live in too, but to make it the perfect cabin, you needed him on his good side.

"A family huh? Maybe," was all he had said. Silence filled the car, but after a couple of minutes, you started to hear little cries. "please, I dont wanna be hear, I havent done anything wrong." The girl in the back had started talking, but a part of you wished she never had. Sometimes her cries kept you up at night, you hated it, but tadashi wouldn't let you leave the bed, he said it'll only make it all worse.

You noticed that you've zoned out for a bit because as soon as you looked up, neither of them were there.. "yams!?" You shifted in your seat trying to look outside, but it was so cold, the windows were still fogged up. You get out of the car but leave the door open incase they didn't actually leave and were still in the car. "Yamaguchi! Please this isnt funny!" You started walking around and looking everywhere, but what lied ahead of you was terrifying. "What are.." you were too weak to even finish the last word. What the hell was he doing?

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