It's been a few days since you and tadashi have done it. You start to wonder if hes thought about it everyday, just like you have. Feeling his warmth against your skin, his hands running down your thighs, his dick thrusting in and out, making you both feel good.

You woke up in a Saturday morning, with the sun hitting your face. You roll to your side and check your phone for the time. 7:06. Pretty early huh. You turn over to see the man you love.. but he wasnt there. Did he finally leave after all these days you spent together? Maybe he felt tired of you, maybe he just wanted out of everything and wished none of this had ever happened.

"STOP TOUCHING ME, I DONT WANNA GO!" who in the right mind would be yelling this early? "Listen here sweetheart, we need to leave, get in the car OR GO ROT IN HELL" was that yams? Who was he yelling at?
You got out of bed and decided to walk down the stairs. As you made your way down, the smell of strawberry pancakes filled up the air. It smelled so good. "ah, good morning my sweet angel, how are you? Hope we didnt wake you up this early" He asked in a nice, calmed voice. "Good morning tadashi, you didnt wake me up, the sun did. Did you make breakfast?" Did he make all of this for you? Just you? "I sure did" he said while tilting his head back to the front door. "But you'll need to hurry up, we, are all going somewhere." We? How was- oh. Right. Brianna. She'd been so quiet and distant from you that you completely forgot about her.

"How is she doing?" You ask him. "Hows who doing? It's just you and me right now, dont you know that?" Did he not know about her? Did he forget? No way, he was the one taking watch over her and making sure she didn't do anything bad.

"Brianna? How is she.. shes doing alright, right?" You were starting to sweat a bit, she had been your only friend and you didn't feel like losing her. Especially to a guy like him. "Forget about her, shes fine, just focus on me and my well being alright pumpkin?" He walks over to you and leans over, placing a gently kiss on your forehead. "Now eat, and get dressed. We need to leave soon."

You finished up your breakfast and got dressed, wearing warm clothing since it was still early and seemed chilly at this time. You walk back down the stairs and see yams waiting for you at the door, with the door wide open. He shifts his hand in a curtsey, saying that it was time to go. You walk through your house door and make your way outside. Falling leafs. Orange. Yellow. Some still green, but looked dead. Others made a crunchy noise when you stepped on them. Was it fall already? Seems like summer was only a few days ago..

You walk over to the car and as you do, you spot Brianna in the back seat. She looks like shes sleeping. Peacefully. Maybe too peacefully. You open the door to yamaguchi's black car and sit in the passenger seat. You turn around to see the girl who was once your friend. She looked starved. Like she hasn't eaten in days. You look at her up and down. She seems to have new scars and red Mark's on her legs. Maybe she had some on her arms and other body parts too? She was only wearing short and a loose red sweater. But it didnt seem to be keeping her at heat. You decide to turn up the heat for both of you, but when yams walks in, he grabs your hand and pulls it away. "What do you think your doing?" "I just wanted to turn the heat up, we were both cold and-" "STOP PUTTING HER IN THIS. WHO CARES IF SHES COLD OR NOT. DONT TOUCH ANYTHING THAT ISNT YOURS." He stared deep into your eyes. Was it such a wrong thing to do? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too.." you tell him in a soft voice, without looking at him. "Its fine, don't do it again." He grabbed your face and pulled it closer to his. He gave you a small peck on the lips and threw your head back. Why was he so aggressive nowadays? "Can I ask you something yams?" "Anything my dear, what is it?" He turns the car on and starts driving forward. Where were you guys going? "Have you been feeding and taking care of her? She seems really sick, I think we should bring her to a doctor.." you look over at him with saddened puppy eyes, hoping he wouldnt get mad again. "Of course I have! I've been checking on her everyday, just like i promised. Theres no need to worry my love.."

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