Chapter 1

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           Beep! Beep!
"Ahh!" A scream could be heard throughout the apartment. (Y/N) was a freshmen in highschool. Today was the first day. She looked at the time and rushed out of her bed almost falling flat on her face. Scrambling around, she got her uniform and put it on.

     (Y/N) quickly made herself some breakfeast and ate it quickly. Grabbing her bag she opened the door to her apartment and ran out. She ran quickly to her school. Before she knew it she was at the school. But, she then ran into something causing her to fall onto the floor. She looked around and saw a girl on the floor beside her slowly getting up. (Y/N) waved her hands around frantically and stood up and put her hand out.
"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" (Y/N) said frantically. The girl shook her head and took her hand and stood up.

"It's alright! My name is Yashiro Nene! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Yashiro exclaimed with a smile on her face. (Y/N) sighed and looked at her with a smile.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)! It's a pleasure to meet you as well!" She chirped as she smiled and waved. "I have to get to class. I'll see you later!" She slowed down as she approached the building and opened the doors. Walking through the halls she looked at the numbers above the classes before sighing. (Y/N) stopped walking and grapped out a small piece of paper from her bag. On that piece of paper a classroom number was written.

She put the piece of paper back as she started to walk through the hallways again. (Y/N) saw the number that was written on the paper and walked into the classroom.

"Hi (Y/N)!" Was heard in the room. The (h/c) haired maiden looked across the room to see the girl she spoke to before, Yashiro Nene. Sighing she walked over to the girl.

"Hello Yashiro," she mumbled quietly. Yashiro smiled.

"I didn't know you were in this class," she chirped happily. (Y/N) slowly nodded her head as a response.

"It's only the first day," (Y/N) reminded her. Yashiro chuckled nervously.

"That's right! How could I forget?" Yashiro spoke nervously, stopping as she heard the bell ring. (Y/N) waved nervously as she took a seat in a chair near the back of the classroom. The teacher walked in and gave instructions. The class was to listen as he went over the rules, his name was Mr.Ailoja(i don't know the teachers name XD. To lazy to go check)

(Y/N) sat down patiently listening to the teacher. Everything was well and good until she felt something at her feet. Looking down,(Y/N) saw some mokke and sighed. She went back to work for a long time. A couple hours later she felt ot again and looked down confused.

There were now four mokke. One with a pair of scissors, one with paper, one with a pencil, and the last one with a box of crayons. The girl sighed going back to work before feeling something sharp poking at her feet.

"Ow," she mumbled looking below her desk annoyed. The mokke looking at her with their evil, cute eyes.

"Lady have candy?" The mokke with a pair of scissors asked. The girl sighed. It was a good thing she came prepared. Going into her bag, she got out a piece of candy and gave it to the mokke. Mr.Ailoja kept going with his lesson as (Y/N) watched happily. After giving them candy, the mokke had gone silent. Worried, she looked down under her desk and saw them trying to draw a piece of candy. The mokke with the crayons slowly inching towards the piece of candy. The mokke poke that mokke with a pair of scissors and used their ear to slap them.

"No," it spoke simply as the mokke with crayons sighed sadly. (Y/N) sighed as she got out another piece of candy and held it out.

"Here," (Y/N) said softly. The mokke happily took the candy from her. She smiled as she went back to work. Soon, the bell rung. Signaling that school was over. (Y/N) got out of her seat and noticed the mokke sighing and whining. The rest of the class left the classroom.

"I know I shouldn't," she thought, but she caved in and went over to the mokke. She bent down and whispered. "I'll help you. Just come with me where no one will see us," she spoke softly. The mokke eyes lit up and smiled and nodded their heads. But, since they were so small, it looked like they were bowing to her. (Y/N) stood up and walked out of the classroom. She led the mokke to a hallway that was empty. The mokke set their stuff down and the girl smiled. Cracking her fingers she grabbed the pencil and studied the candy.

"Alright! Time to draw a piece of candy for tiny pink bunnies!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she put the pencil on the paper.


Alright! That's the end of chapter 1! If you made it this far, I congratulate you. In the next chapter I am going to make it first person. I think it's easier that way, that thought occured to me halfway through the chapter. The reader in this story olays the part of my OC. So your backstory is her backstory and such.

Also, Tsukasa is a yandere. If you don't like yandere's or are uncomfortable with the character being obsessed with the reader, then I ask that you stop reading. But! If you are like me and enjoy that. I ask that you stay. Please do not hesitate to tell me your thoughts on the story or tell me any ideas you might have. I love to hear you're guys opinions. Tsukasa will appear soon enough. I don't want to rush the book so if you have any tips please tell me. Thank you for reading! I'm more motivated to write if you all read and tell me your thoughts!


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