Chapter 1: Enemies

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"Keigo Takami" the villain said as they fought. "It's been a while."

The villain was known as Dabi, who was wanted for killing dozens of heroes with his Cremation quirk, as well as being apart of the League of Villains.

The number 2 hero, Hawks, was fighting him. His quirk Fierce/Mighty Wing, which grants him the ability to fly among other things. He looked down at his opponent, in shock from what he just said. His name. Hawks hadn't heard anyone use it since he was a child.

During the confusion, Dabi used his flames to attack the hero again. Hawks wings, however, helped him move back and dodge the attack.

Just then, another pro hero, Endeavor, who held the #1 hero title, shows up to the fight. He had just defeated 2 Nomus, and came over to help Hawks out.

"I got this Endeavor." Hawks shouted, flying back to the ground

"Clearly you don't." Endeavor responds before lighting his own fire attack against Dabi.

Dabi blasted another flamethrower before retreating into Kurogiri's portal with the other villains and disappeared.

The two heroes went on a search to make sure the villains were gone before helping the local authorities with information of the fight.


One week later
POV Hawks

I was in my office at my agency later than most nights conducting research on the Villain Dabi.

How do you know my name. I thought. Have we met before?

"There is nothing on you. No background or even your real name." I said to the picture of Dabi that was on my computer screen. "And those scars look like burns. Are they fro-."

The agency's alarm went off, alerting the few that remained in the building that an intruder broke in.

I immediately pulled up the security system on my copy and it showed the 3D blueprint of the agency. The area flashing red was from a broken window on the top floor, my house.

Just then, two of my sidekicks rushed into my office. Before he could speak, I interrupted. "Slow Mission, the break in is in my living space on the top floor. Accompany me." I start moving towards them. "Jellion, work with the other sidekicks and start evacuating the building staff."

"Yes Sir." Jellion ran in the opposite direction.

*authors note- these are sidekicks that I made up and not a part of MHA/Bnha. I will explain quirks and looks in future chapters. - end note*

It only took us a few minutes via elevator to make it to the top floor. I could have flew us up faster the elevator was the only way anyone can leave the top floor.

Just as we left the elevator, the security alarm stopped ringing. I looked at Slow Mission, who returned the concerned glance. We walked down the hallway until we reached my door. It's locked. I unlocked it with my key and we stepped in.

I looked around from the entrance and noticed nothing was out of place. "Look for the break in. The prints say it was a broken window." I gestured him to go one way while I checked the bathroom. Once that was cleared, I shut and locked the door, and continued to search my room.

"Hawks, I don't see any broken windows." He shouted from the other room.

"Keep looking." I proceeded my search and checked under the bed and behind furniture. I made my way to the closet and opened the doors. I searched and found nothing out of place.

When I was about to close the doors, that's when I noticed them. 2 bright blue eyes glaring at me from within the depths of the clothes.

I made eye contact with them, knowing exactly who they belonged to. "Slow Mission, everything is clear over here. It must have been a false alarm. Let everyone know on your way back." I shouted.

As soon as my sidekick left, the blue eyes began to move upward and closer. I took a few steps back, and found the Villain known as Dabi towering over me.

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