Chapter 24: Rescue

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"Ayaka Tsuburaba was abducted." Endeavor's voice rang in Hawks' brain as he continued his flight. The travel was only 20 minutes by air, and Hawks landed at the meet up location.

Jellion and Slow Mission were already there, along with a handful of other sidekicks and Heroes from other agencies in the area. The meet up location, a park, in the middle of a busy city where she was taken.

"Wow," Jellion started, "now don't you look fancy? What did you do, go to a fancy tea party?"

Slow Mission and Hawks both gave him the same look, the how immature can you be look.

Hawks was still in his suit when he landed, since he didn't have time to change from the wedding. He didn't care if the suit got ruined, he just needed to save her as soon as he could. "No, actually I was at my own wedding."

Jellion and Slow Mission looked at him, surprised. Then Jellion responded, "You couldn't invite us? But we're your loyal sideki——."

Slow Mission interrupted by slamming his hand on Jellion's mouth, forcing him to shut up.

"I know," Hawks responded. "It's complicated. But right now, we need to find Arrid. Jellion, I thought you had a date with her today?"

Jellion removed the hand so he could speak. "Yeah, we had a date set for this evening. However, she was at this park with her younger brother when they took her. He tried his best to stop them, but they ended up using anti-quirk handcuffs and tied him to a bench."

"Let me go talk to him." Hawks said. "What's his name?"

"Kosei. He's a UA student, first year." Jellion responded. "He's over there talking to the police."

At that, Hawks flew to the other side of the park to get more details. Just as he left, Endeavor pulled up in a car. He got out and was already dressed in his hero uniform.

"Wow." Jellion starts. "I'm guessing that you were invited to the wedding based off your fancy hair?"

Endeavor was confused and fixed his hair before responding. "I don't know what he told you, but it's complicated. Start acting like a pro hero instead of devolving to a grade schooler."

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Hawks returned to the group with new info. "Ok so according to the kid, the LOV abducted Arrid. He heard them mention two possible locations that she could be at. Endeavor, form a team and head to this location." Hawks hands over a piece of paper. "I need to call you know who and see if he knows anything before my team checks out this other address."

Endeavor nodded in response while Hawks went to make his phone call.

"LOV? It's obviously a trap." Dabi said through the phone. "Neither of those locations will have her. But you still should go and arrest them. I know of a place the could have taken her."

"Hmmmm." Hawks hummed in thought through the phone. "If you're helping us in this, don't you dare go alone. Take someone with you Dabi. Please, for my sake."

They said their goodbyes before Dabi disconnected the call. He turned around and grabbed someone by the arm, and led the way to the secret location.

"You want me to what?" Shoto asked, confused.

"I need you to use both of your quirks at once." Dabi explained in the car. "Aim your ice at Toga and your fire at Kurogiri. That should get them out of the way."

"But I'm not officially licensed to use my quirk in public yet."

"Shoto, it doesn't matter if you're licensed or not. I am technically dead, twice. None of them are licensed, that's what makes them villains. You were the only one I could trust to help me with this." Dabi explained.

"You could have asked All Might." Shoto responded.

"All Might is retired. But this rescue mission we are on is under the table. I can't even tell Hawks the location."

The two brothers arrived at the secret location where the LOV was hiding. When they arrived outside the door, Dabi counted down a que before they slammed in, quirks blazing, literally.

Shoto did what he was asked to and immobilized Toga and Kurogiri. Dabi went straight for Twice, burning the mask off his face, causing him to panic. A few other minor villains were also burnt to a crisp, before Dabi grabbed Shigaraki and throws him against a wall.

"That's for interfering with Hawks agency." Dabi said before kicking him 3 times in the stomach. "And that's for ruining my wedding."

Shigaraki, coughs up blood. "So are you working for those losers now? What about us?"

"I don't work for anyone. You just ruined my big day."

"Why don't you just kill me then?"

Dabi smirked. "Because I need you alive to tell me where she is. And even after that, I will probably need your resources in the future."

"And you think I will just help you?" Shigaraki made a good point.

"You would. Because if you don't then I would tell the heroes where all of your hideouts are."

"But you brought that kid here. He knows now." Shigaraki pointed to Shoto.

"No, I made sure he doesn't know. Now where is she?"

"Third door on your right."

Dabi turns and begins to move, but turns around and kicks him again, trying to knock him out.

Before Shigaraki was out, he said, "what was that one for?"

"Because I felt like it." Dabi responded before heading to the said location. He finds her tied up on the floor, passed out.

Dabi picks Arrid up and carries her out of the hideout. To prevent Shoto from knowing where they were, Dabi asked him to keep his eyes closed until they got to the car, while holding on to his shoulder as he led the way.

Once she was untied and safely in the vehicle, the brothers got in and Dabi gave Hawks a call.

(A/N- sorry guys, I'm not the best with fight scenes. Hope y'all enjoyed the quality brother time that we had this chapter. Will this change Shoto's view of his older brother? Find out next chapter! Thanks for reading! -e/n).

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