Chapter 15: Eggs

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Dabi looked off in a different direction, not wanting to continue the conversation as it was going.

Endeavor was confused. "Grandfather? What do you-." It took a few minutes for him to try and process.

"Apparently my quirk also allows me to lay eggs." Hawks explains, "Dabi is my partner. He contacted my father this morning to see if this was normal, which I think would have been nice to know beforehand."

"So, there's a child in there? One or multiple?"

"Probably just one judging by the size. But I wouldn't be surprised if I have more eggs. That's what happens to other birds."

Endeavor was still surprised. "Can I hold it?"

Hawks looked at Dabi.

Dabi doesn't bother looking over. "No. You would probably burn it or something."

Endeavor didn't like the answer. "Touya-."

Dabi looks over, "it's Dabi now."

"Dabi, then. Would you come home with me?"

"No. I still plan on killing you for what you've done."

"Then I will stay alive until that day comes, but, please come home. See your siblings. Natsuo would be so happy to know that you're alive. And what about your mother? You could visit her too."

Dabi shook his head in disagreement.

Hawks intervened, "As much as I enjoy the company, Endeavor, it's time for you to leave. Anything we discussed here today, please don't tell a soul about it."

Endeavor saw that Dabi would not budge and decided to take the opportunity to leave. "Yes, sorry for the trouble. I'm happy for how you have now impacted my life, Hawks. I guess now you are technically family. I came mainly because I hadn't heard anything. Take care." Endeavor straightens the door before he walked out, awkwardly.

"I'm sorry Dabi, but I had to tell him." Hawks started.

"Yes, I see that. But can we actually trust him? We have a child on the way, and I don't want to risk any dangers."

Hawks nodded, feeling uneasy. "I trust him." He said as he clutched his stomach. "I'm pretty sure I feel another one forming."

Dabi looked at him, concerned. He walks closer, removes the egg Hawks was holding and pulls him in for a hug.


A few hours later, Endeavor pulled Shoto from his class at U.A. and was finally home. It was late enough to where Fuyumi and Natsuo were finished with their usual schedules. Endeavor called them to the living room.

"I never thought that this could ever happen. After everything I've done to all of you." Endeavor started. He took a deep breath. "I am going to be a grandfather"

All three looked at him in confusion and then mumble to each other.

Fuyumi was the first to speak. "Okay, which one of you two knocked a girl up?"

Shoto responded. "I would never do that."

"Are you kidding me, Fuyumi?" Natsuo intervened. "You are more likely to have a child on the way. Always talking about being a happy family and shit."

Fuyumi looked at him I shock. "Well I would know at least if I got knocked up."

All three are even more confused. But Natsu was the first to ask. "Don't tell me you have other children? With another woman?"

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