Chapter 7: Home

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(A/N- ok so this chapter contains smut. Just a little bit of smut though, can't let those two go too crazy. And they are both adults btw if y'all haven't got that. Hawks 23 and Dabi 25. Language warning, because Dabi lol. Enjoy! -e/n).

Normal POV

"This place...." Dabi starts. "Is an exact copy."

Hawks smirks. "I really liked the idea of compact, and that specific floor plan was perfect for me. However, there are some differences."

"Like what? Different colored paint?"

Hawks led Dabi into the bathroom. " See, it's not a bath-shower here, just a normal shower."

"That's it-."

"No. If you want a bath, you open this door." Hawks opened a second door in the bathroom that Dabi didn't notice before then and observed what he was getting excited for.

They walked in to room with dimmer lights, and a large tub the size of a pool. "This is the bathtub. Or hot tub. Or pool." Hawks explained. "You just come over to this control station and put in the temperature of the water, and other features you want added, like bubble bath, or chlorine, or other stuff."

He pushed some of the options on the control panel and suddenly the bath began to fill. As that happened, he showed another neat feature. The silver walls began to turn transparent, seeing outside, the dark forest, the moon and stars.

"But don't worry, no one can see in."

Dabi did find it impressive, but he was also disappointed. "It's a cool feature but like I said before, I can't get my scars wet."

"But you could put your feet in! Or maybe grab a floaty and sleep on the water." Hawks tried to stay positive as he continued. "But once we get those healed, then we could do some fun things in here together."

Dabi smirked at the thought.

"Now other things are slightly different. The kitchen is a little bigger, I got a few more extra rooms. Better appliances, and plenty of room to expand." Hawks explained, but it went on deaf ears.

Dabi tuned him out just for a moment, thinking of only one thing. He smirked.

"What's that look for?"

"Were we going to finish what we started earlier?" Dabi licked his lips in anticipation.

Hawks couldn't help but blush, although he was burning up now inside. He didn't bother responding yet before he led the way back to the bedroom.

smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut

Hawks shooed his feathers away, and removed his shirt, leaving only his wing nubs and bare skin. Dabi comes up from behind and gently touched the nubs.

"When I fuck you, can I use these as like, handle bars to hold onto you?" Dabi whispers into Hawk's ear.

"It's fine as long as you don't break them." He responds, but totally serious.

"I guess nothings really 'fun' when they're broken." Dabi's hands began to wander, his left heading for Hawks' chest and neck, while his right went down towards his ass. He then began to lick and suck the back of his neck, enjoying the noises that Hawks made as he did so. After a few squeezes with his right hand, his fingers began to walk towards his front.

Hawks moaned as his skin shuttered with excitement. He really didn't know what to do with his hands, considering the actions came from the man behind him. But he did, however, start to move his hips and rub his partners member with his ass through their clothing.

Dabi couldn't help but get more excited. His hand rubbing just below Hawks' belly button, which his thumb began to play tricks on. He now stopped sucking his neck and back, due to the fact that it was completely covered with the hickeys and bite marks he made.

Hawks moaned louder as Dabi's hand finally made a dive in his pants, but still remained separated by his underwear. His left hand was still pleasuring his hard nipples.

Dabi whispered, as he teased his partners hard cock. Knowing he was close, he said it, but in a much, sexier voice. "Keigo."

Hawks felt the heat run through him with the call of his name. He felt like he was being boiled alive in passion, but instead it was him releasing the load in his briefs while Dabi was playing with his tip.

Hawks fell forward onto the bed, exhausted. He would naturally last much longer if he hadn't just flown almost 100 miles carrying a grown man.

"Out for the count already." Dabi teased as he stood over him. "I guess you did work all day." He then reached down and helped Hawks up and properly put him in bed. He then went on the other side and entered himself, this time, holding his partner.

end smut end smut end smut end smut end smut

(A/N- okay guys, I hope y'all enjoyed that, because I enjoyed writing it. What really got me was when Dabi "gently touched the nubs." Was that weird for any of you? Another concern of mine was me going back and forth between Keigo and Hawks and I hope that wasn't too confusing.

I do have to say though, not bad. This was the first smut scene I have written in a year and wow it got hot. Sorry I'm awkward lol Thank you all for reading this fanfic, and don't worry: if you liked what you just read, future smuts will give you nose bleeds. I guess this chapter was a good idea to do right before hell breaks loose starting next chapter. -E/N.)

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