Chapter 3: Remembering

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"Todo...roki..." hawks looks up at Dabi. "Touya Todoroki?!? You're Endevors son?" He's smiled at the fact that the person he looked up to the most was also the son of his favorite hero. Then his smile slowly faded. "That means..."

Hawks was silent, processing what he was about to say.

Dabi poked him to end his trance.

"That means Endeavor was the one who abused you. You and your family." Hawks takes a seat on the bed, unable to hold his weight as his world got turned upside down.

"I'm sorry" Dabi said. "I wanted to tell you but I didn't want you to look like that. Your hero is my worst nightmare." Dabi sits down on the floor and looks up at hawks. "He was also why I left."

Hawks looks down to him, still in a daze.

(A/N — Small violence warning—)

Dabi POV

"The day I found out about the program killing us, I went home and my father sent my mom to a hospital. My mom was tired of living in fear and was talking about it to her folks over the phone. My youngest brother, Shoto, only 5 at the time, walks in and hears her say she hates his left side because it reminds her of him. When she realized Shoto was there and heard her, she panicked, and poured hot water on his face. When Endeavor came home, he saw his masterpiece was damaged, and abused her."

Remembering this, after all this time, hurts. I thought.

"I walked in and was going to tell him what I had found out, and maybe get him to save you too. But I saw him hit her and scream at her."

"I grabbed Shoto, the poor kid, and pulled him to the back of the house where my other siblings were. I told him "this was not your fault Shoto. And it's not moms either. All of this is his fault. He did this to you by hurting mom." I dropped him off with Fuyumi and Natsuo, having them use their ice quirks to help with the burn. I ran back out there and got in between him and mom. "Leave her alone."

"What" he replied.

"You should be worried about your masterpiece right now. He's hurt badly." I told him, just to get him away from mom.

Endeavor grumbles. "This isn't over, woman. Touya, I will have a chat with you later." He walks off.

"Mom are you okay?"

"Touya, my boy! How was school today?" She looked up at me in a daze, as if nothing was wrong.

"Mom your hurt. Let me help you."

"I'm sure I can get help from a hospital. Maybe I should go tomorrow"

After that, my mom went to a mental hospital, a decision they both made.

—————————(END FLASHBACK)———————
Normal POV

Hawks looked at him in horror. The tears started to flow again. "He's a monster."

"Why do you think I want to kill him?" Dabi responds.

"Wait, you can't. He's your father, and a brave hero."

"Even after I left, I'm sure he abused Shoto more than anything."

Hawks remained silent, probably agreeing.

Dabi reaches up and pets Hawks hair and trying to comfort him.

The Next Morning

Hawks laying horizontal on bed

Dabi on floor beneath him.

Hawks roles over and falls next to Dabi with a loud thud. Both jolt awake almost forgetting where they were and what they discussed.

"Sorry Touya." Hawks says as he jolts awake.

Dabi, who is still half asleep replies, "don't call me that. It's Dabi now."

"Then sorry Dabi." Hawks stands up and stretches. Realizing he was still in yesterday's clothing, he began to strip for the shower. Taking off his shirt revealing his toned body and the little wing nubs on his back as he towered over Dabi. "When are you planning on leaving?" He starts walking off. "I have to get ready for work."

"Can I stay here for a while?" Dabi asks as he looks up.

"Where were you staying before?" Hawks says as he walks to the bathroom.

"The league of villains hide out. I got my own room there but it'll be hard to sneak out of here and I really don't feel like going back there anytime soon."

"Sure. Just don't burn the place." Hawks replied, toothbrush in mouth as he went back in the bathroom.

After a few minutes, the shower starts, and Dabi was finally alone. He sits up and puts his hand over his face, taking a few deep breaths. He gets up and stares at the door, eventually makes his way to it. He grabs the door knob and turns. Of course, it was locked. He takes a few steps back and puts his hand over his face again. "What am I doing? Was I about to kill him? Or something else?"

(A/N- I just want to thank all the readers so far who are supporting and encouraging me. I will post the next chapter soon!!! Thank you!!! — E/N)

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