Chapter 23: Union

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Normal POV:

March 2nd came faster than they expected. The two were both nervous and excited. It was their wedding day after all.

Dabi and Hawks woke up as the sun came up and took a steaming shower together. Afterwards, they dressed in their suits. They also dressed the eggs in the egg-sleeves that Fuyumi knitted to keep them warm during the travel. Hawks then placed the eggs into a large bag for easier travel.

It was around 9am when Hawks got the call that their ride showed up by the bus stop. The two walked down the mountain and met Natsu at his car.

When they arrived at Endeavor's estate, it was almost noon. As soon as they entered the gates, the screaming began.

"Toooooouuuyyyyyaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" Fuyumi screamed as she ran over and gave her older brother a hug. "I'm sorry. I know you go by Dabi now, but I just needed to get it out of my system. I'm so glad to see you."

She looked looked over at Hawks, who cleared his throat. He held the bag out to her. "Do you mind taking care of them today???"

She grabbed the bag and looked inside to see the three eggs. "Oh my gosh, of course!!!!"

Just at that moment, Endeavor waves at them from the front door, they hear a car pull up from behind. They look back and find Shoto already out and opening the other passenger door. The very hesitant person was none other than Rei, who hasn't been here in the same amount of time as Dabi.

Rei walks up to the couple. "Touya, you look great in that suit. Do you want to introduce me?"

"I mean, he's Hawks. Everyone knows him." Dabi responded. In response, Hawks elbowed him in the stomach, causing Dabi to correct himself. "Mom, this is my soon to be husband, Hawks. Hawks, this is my mom, Rei."

"It is an honor to meet you, Rei!" Hawks said politely.

"And you too." Rei's smile lit up. "Now, Fuyumi said you were expecting?" She looks at Hawks' stomach.

"She must have left the egg detail out." Hawks responded. "She is taking care of them today."

"Typical Fuyumi." Dabi said under his breath.

"Be nice to your sister." Rei heard what he said. "We know how excited she gets over things."

The group made their way to the backyard where it was decorated for the ceremony. The aisle was made with a baby blue silk rug that stretched from the back to the alter. The aisle was lined with bouquets of red, yellow and white roses, with blue and white silk ribbons alternating the rows. There was only a dozen chairs total, because the guest list only had all the Todoroki's, Becca, who was currently dating Natsu. A few people who knew both of them, and All Might to officiate. Hawks originally wanted Endeavor to officiate but Dabi didn't want to stand that close to him.

Pretty soon, Dabi took his place at the alter and waited as Hawks walked down it. Once he made it to the alter, All Might began the ceremony.

About halfway through, Hawks's phone rang. "Oh, sorry. I thought I put it on silent." As he looked down to see who it was, Dabi extended his hand. Hawks placed the phone in the open palm.

Dabi then crushed the phone, burned it to a crisp and threw it in the yard behind him. "It can wait. I'll get you a new one later. Continue please."

All Might looked at them both before continuing. After another chunk of time, another phone rang.

Dabi looks in the crowd, where Endeavor was rummaging for his phone. Endeavor looked at Dabi's threatening glance before looking at Hawks and his worried face. He read the caller ID was from Hawks agency and couldn't help but think. I have a duty as a hero. But also as a father. If I leave now, I'll lose him forever. He then put it on silent for the remaining few minutes of the ceremony.

Once Dabi and Hawks had their kiss and everyone clapped, Endeavor immediately called the number back.

Just as Endeavor hung up the phone, Hawks came up to him, concerned. "What was the call about? It's weird that they called both of us."

Endeavor leaned down and whispered in Hawks' ear in response. Once the news was given, Hawks stepped back and his wings began to flutter. He hovered his way over to Dabi, who was talking to his siblings about something.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." Hawks explained to Dabi. "Someone I care about was just abducted."

"No, don't go. Wait until——." Dabi was cut off.

"No." Hawks continued. "She needs my help NOW. Endeavor and I will take care of this as soon as we can, and then we can finish with the after party."

Dabi glared at Endeavor in the distance, before returning his glance to his husband. "You better not get hurt out there."

Hawks nodded, before leaning down for a kiss, and then he was gone.

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