Chapter 2: Reunion

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3rd POV

Dabi looked down at Hawks. "So, did you find anything about me yet?"

The room began to smell of burned flesh. The tension between the two could be cut. Hawks didn't even hesitate to ask questions. "How did you get in?"

"So I see you're just going to ignore me. I'm not surprised." Dabi responded casually, before continuing. "Kurogiri portalled us to your roof. One other villain with a body stretch quirk lowered me down. I kicked in the window and the alarm sounded."

"But there was no broken windows." Hawks responded seriously, kind of irritated.

"Well if you let me finish, I can explain that."

"Then continue."

"I grabbed most of the broken glass, and a few of your wine glasses and melt them to seal the hole behind me." Dabi explained. "Your security system shut off once I sealed the window. If your sidekick was smart he would have noticed one window had thinner glass."

The situation surprisingly reminded Hawks of something from a long time ago. A friend he once had who used to melt glass to show off. Now, he knew exactly who he was dealing with.

"Why didn't you find me sooner? I've been a hero for almost five years now."

"I wanted you to know I was out there." Dabi responds. "If we didn't speak the other day during that fight and I showed up here, then you would have probably killed me already." He looked away for a moment. "Plus, I needed to figure out where you lived, how to get in, and what I would say."

Hawks, started bending back. "You're Him right? Touya-kun?"

"I was in that closet for 10 minutes," Dabi starts. "You ignore my question to ask your own and be all heroic. You made me wait." He suddenly moves forward, his knees buckle and his head lands on Hawks shoulders. Hawks catches him. Dabi squeezes him tightly. "More like 10 years."

Hawks hugs him back tightly. Rests his head on Dabi's squishy neck. Holding back the tears but barely. "I thought you turned to ash."  Tears start as he continued. "I thought you were gone forever."

"Well, I'm here now."

"Why did you go out like that? Wasn't there a better way?"

"Actually...." Dabi stands up again and reaches into his jacket. He pulls out files. "Take a look at these."

Hawks opens the first file. There was a picture of his younger self, and great details of his quirk. He also saw the notes that were left, all positive saying that he was the best candidate in the program. He then moves onto another file, one of another candidate.  His file looked much different. It gave details on the quirk and a few pros and cons. But the comments at the bottom were mostly negative. That and the main thing being the giant red X on the page.

Dabi puts his finger at the bottom of the page, to the ink similar to the red X.

Hawks looks down and reads, "failure- deceased."

Dabi speaks up. "I found that out about 1 week before I disappeared. I witnessed them kill him. It's because all that government training was top secret. So anyone that lived was a risk of exposing that."

"Why didn't you say anything to me? We could have left together." Hawks said, mindlessly, thinking of the younger days where he and Touya trained together.

"Then if we did that, they would just picked out more kids. You were the one they needed, therefore, you would be safe and alive." Dabi explained. He watched as Hawks continued to examine the files.
"Now the only reason why they kept me around so long is because we were close. For how weak I was, they would have killed me first. But they also feared my father. Knowing him, he very well could have exposed them. And it's not like they could kill him, unfortunately, without people noticing."

"You're father?" Hawks thought about it a moment. "What do you mean?" He said as he opened Touya's file.

Hawks scanned the old picture of Touya, the younger version he knew where his hair was still red.
Then his eyes wanders down to his name.

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