Chapter 16: Return

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(Also- happy birthday to Dabi yesterday!!! I was going to write a short chapter but I didn't get around to it. Sorry peeps.)

A week had passed since Endeavor's visit. Hawks had laid a total of 3 eggs.

"I hope you're done. We are now out numbered."
Dabi said as he held the first egg in his arms, the second was in his lap.

Hawks smiled. "I'm sure I'm done. I don't feel sick anymore, and even my chest pain is gone." Hawks held the third, freshly laid egg close to his chest.

"How long do you think until they hatch? 9 months?"

"No, probably sooner than that. Most birds hatch in just over a month."

"You're not a bird. You're a human with a bird quirk. Those are human babies in these eggs, so they need longer to develop than a month."

"You should have asked my dad that question then." Hawks smarted back.

"Damn it."

"Calm down, we'll figure this out together."

Later that day, Hawks was cooking in the kitchen while Dabi watched.

"What if they have beaks? Does that mean we would have to do that food gargle thing?"

Hawks laughed in response. "No. They would eat like normal people."

"How would you know?"

"Because I have a beaked kid interning at my agency."

"But maybe it's quirk specific." Dabi points out. "How would we know that they will come out human? What if they were like weird bird mutations or something. Like a nomu."

"But do nomus come out of eggs?"

"No. They are people with other people blended together."

"I can't believe you were on the same side as those and was okay with it. That's messed up."

"Calm down, I thought they were creepy, too. I only joined because they worked with Stain."

"I was joking." Hawks passed a plate with food on it to Dabi.

"Will you return to work soon? It's been 3 weeks."

"Yeah. I was thinking of going back tomorrow and only working half days." Hawks takes a bite of chicken. "As long as your fine watching the kids."

Dabi made a face. "They're eggs. It's not like they're going to run away."

"You know what I mean. Make sure they don't break. If they hatch then take care of them."

The next day
At the agency
Normal POV

"Good morning, Hawks. You have a visitor waiting for you." Arrid stated when he entered. "Welcome back!"

"I'm glad to be back!" Hawks responded. "Don't tell me it's Endeavor again?"

"Actually, it's a young man from a nearby college. He wanted to talk to you in private about something important."

I can't think of anyone I know whose in college right now. "Okay I will see him. Thank you for letting me know."

"No problem." Arrid responded with a smile. "By the way, Endeavor said he would stop by around 11 today."

"Thank you for the warning." Hawks then makes his way to his office. Walking around the corner he sees a taller young man with spiky white hair. "Hey Natsuo! What's up?!"

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