00.1 [force of nature]

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whenever you talk about your dream home, you'd think about big fields, and breathtaking views with huge trees along with the hills. vinnie liked the idea of big land, fields with trees or animals he didn't really care he just wanted to be with you.

you walked outside, you liked the evening beauty. the sun was just about to set, the fact that you lived here with your significant other was like paradise it just felt right, your dog [cora] followed you outside. with all these fires it was kinda foggy but didn't matter all you wanted to do was be outside & read a book.

"hey baby" vinnie walked out side, with his hair all messed up, short & sweater on. "hi love, how's your headache? was your nap good?" you close your book and set it down "I feel better thank you." he give you a small smile and a peck on the lips. it was silent but not awkward more peaceful "wanna order some food instead of making dinner?" he stood up, he made me seem smaller than I already was.

"yes please, didn't feel like washing dishes" you both laughed it off and went about your night. "come on cora!" you call the pup she came running.

_____________________hopefully u enjoy -v

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hopefully u enjoy

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