Chapter 1

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Harvey MacAllister owed a lot of people a lot of money. Most he could placate with "I'll get it to you soon". He couldn't placate the motorcycle club he'd gotten himself involved with. He knew there would be a day when they came knocking on his door. When that was, he wasn't sure. When it happened, he wasn't entirely ready. He was sitting in his recliner one afternoon when suddenly the door burst open.

Before he could reach for the gun on table beside him, there were six bikers with guns pointed at him in his living room. He looked around at each of them hoping to find some common ground. The blond he'd been dealing with looked none too pleased with him.

"Harvey...we've given you plenty of time to come up with the funds you owe us." The blond stated, "You're making us be late with our own payments and I don't like that."

"I need more time! Twenty grand isn't chump change!" Harvey exclaimed.

While her father was "entertaining" his guests, she sat on her half-broken down bed with her hands over her ears. The last time people figured out she was in the house and had heard everything, they beat her fiercely and then raped her. She didn't want to go through that again. His abuse was bad enough. A curly dark-haired man looked around the room and noticed some pretty pricey things sitting around the living room.

"You got some nice stuff here, Harvey." Tig stated.

"Tig, you, Bobby, and Juice go around and gather anything of value. Look for a vault or safe too." Jax instructed them.

Tig went to the first door in the hallway while Bobby went down to the second. Juice passed Tig just as the SAA was opening the door. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the frail girl sitting on the bed with her hands over her ears and her eyes squeezed shut. He backed out of the room.

"Uh, Jax? There's a girl in one of the rooms. Got her hands over her ears and her eyes squeezed shut." Tig told his Prez.

"That's my daughter Taylor." Harvey exclaimed.

"Don't make us hurt her to get what we came here for." Jax threatened, not knowing the kind of relationship Harvey had with his daughter.

"Pfft. As if I care. I'm more angry you're stealing my stuff." Harvey shot back taking the bikers aback at his uncaring attitude towards his daughter.

"He's got some pretty expensive watches, Jax. Some nice rings. Might fetch a decent price." Juice said as he walked to the van with a pillow case full of jewelry.

"Now, we're getting somewhere." Jax sat down in a chair across from Harvey.

"What do you want me to do with the girl, Prez?" Tig questioned.

"I'll tell you what. Take her as payment for the rest of what I owe. She'll make an excellent wife to someone." Harvey stared at the blond who couldn't hide his shock and disbelief.

"We don't need anymore females around the clubhouse." Happy grunted.

"I found a safe with probably ten grand in it. Nothing else, though." Bobby told the group as he walked back into the living room with a manilla envelope.

"Take her for everything else I owe you. Call it even." Harvey urged.

"What skills can she bring to an MC?" Jax raised his eyebrow making Happy roll his eyes and grunt.

"She's an excellent cook. She's a neat freak and very obedient." Harvey tried to sell them.

"Happy, looks like you're getting an 'ol lady. Tig, go pack her a bag." Jax stated.

"Jax..." Happy started out.

"What?" The blond countered, "She'll be useful around the clubhouse at least."

"You're the Prez." Happy mumbled, hating the idea of this woman already.

Tig walked into her room and tapped her on the shoulder. He watched as she jumped back as if she'd seen a snake or something. He explained that she was coming with him and his friends and needed to pack a bag for her new home. She glanced through her bedroom door but didn't see anything so she sighed and walked to her closet. Tig watched her carefully throw clothes into a worn-out duffle bag. All ratty looking clothes like she hadn't had anything new in years.

She walked down to the bathroom to gather her bathroom essentials then back into her bedroom. Having it full of nearly everything she owned, she looked at the ground at his feet. He told her to follow him so she quietly did as she was told. "Next time, just pay up." Jax told Harvey before standing up and motioning for everyone to leave. The blond watched the sole female in their group before telling her to get in the van.

The rest climbed onto their bikes and headed back to Charming. Tig's task when arriving was selling off all the things they'd just stolen to try and get the other half of their money back. Happy was fuming the whole way not wanting to deal with some whiney, needy female. He respected Jax and would do what he was told so he was now saddled with an 'ol lady. Juice noticed she was quiet and just stared out the window on the ride to the clubhouse. She never asked questions, never threw a fit, never made a sound. Just sat quietly and watched the scenery go by.

Juice parked the van so she clutched her bag and slowly climbed out. Tig walked over to take everything he was supposed to go and pawn before leaving the lot once more. Bobby took the envelope with cash into the clubhouse. Jax looked over at Happy and nodded towards the girl who was just looking around and looked very lost. "Follow me, little girl." she heard a deep, gravelly voice exclaim. A voice that told her he meant business. A voice that spoke of the authority he held.

Gemma watched out of her office and wondered who the skank was that the boys had brought home. She walked out to where Jax was chatting with Chibs and was shocked to learn they'd acquired her for Happy in exchange for dropping the remaining bit of money Harvey owed the Sons. They had at least half in cash and Tig had already left with some expensive watches and other jewelry to pawn. She just nodded as she watched the girl stay a few steps behind the Tacoma Killah.

"This is our room." He told her as he opened up the door, "Stay in here until I tell you otherwise."

She just nodded before he left leaving her alone. As she looked around, she realized how clean his room was. The bed was made, there was no odd odor like she figured there would be for a single man, there wasn't any trash littered around the room. Outside of a little trash in the trashcan by the desk, the room was really clean. There was a half-full bottle of Whiskey on the desk so she set her bag down next to it before having a seat on the bed.

A/N: How do you think Happy is really going to take to having an 'ol lady? Can his day get any worse?

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