Chapter 22

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He told her to get dressed for the day so she slid out from his arms and off the bed. It still made her a bit uncomfortable to get dressed and undressed in front of him but she did it anyways. She kept her back to him so he couldn't see the scars across her stomach as she did. She found a cute top, grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and got dressed. He slid out of bed and got dressed too. Looking her over as she stood up from tying her shoes, he told her how good she looked. Her face tinted ever so slightly at the compliment.

 Her face tinted ever so slightly at the compliment

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She followed him out to the clubhouse. Several bikers and their 'ol ladies were already up scattered around the room drinking coffee. Juice was at his table on his laptop. Lyla and Gemma were in the kitchen already making breakfast. She poured Happy a cup of coffee then took it out to where he found a seat with Tig. When she turned around to head back into the kitchen, Happy swatted her butt making her jump and squeal. Tig laughed as she turned around and playfully glared at the assassin.

Lyla asked how she was doing and Taylor just shrugged. "Wanna talk about it?" Lyla offered. Taylor sighed and confessed she'd had a bad nightmare the night before. Gemma wanted to hear all about it so she explained everything she could remember. Sighing again, she told them how she had somehow woken up Happy with her screaming and felt bad about it. She told them how he'd held her as she tried to calm down and promised her that her father would have to go through him to get to her.

"Happy meant it, sweetheart. Your father does not want try anything. Happy will kill him and will enjoy every second of it." Gemma told her.

"I can't help but be afraid." Taylor sighed, "He beat my mother to death. What would keep him from doing the same to me?"

"Happy and this club, darlin'. You're under the protection of the Sons as Happy's 'ol lady." Gemma explained.

"I know. Really. But...he still frightens me." Taylor confessed.

"You have Happy and you have us. There's nothing to worry about, ok?" Gemma smiled at her.

"Ok." Taylor relented, "What can I do to help with breakfast?"

"Tend the bacon for us." Gemma replied.

"Hey Happy? I think I have something." Juice walked over to where Happy was sitting.

"What did you find?" Tig asked.

"He's in deep with some of his creditors. One took his house so for some reason he's decided to move down here to Charming. I'm still digging to find out why here exactly." Juice explained.

"How bad is 'in deep'?" Tig questioned.

"As I said, one took possession of his house. Another he owes over a hundred grand to. Most he owes slightly less than that to." Juice explained.

"Could he be running from his creditors then?" Tig questioned out loud.

"I still think he's after Taylor." Happy grunted.

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