Chapter 21

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Happy walked over to Juice and asked him to gather any and all information he could about Taylor's father. The IO wanted to know why but was smart enough to just nod and move to his laptop to start on what the Killah wanted. Jax could see how angry the Tacoma Killah was and figured there was another smiley face tattoo going on him in the near future. Despite hating the idea of taking an 'ol lady, over the course of the last year, Happy and Taylor seemed to grow closer together. Happy would never admit it, especially to his brothers, but there was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

After what Opie told him about their excursion to the grocery store, Jax knew Happy was out for Harvey's blood. He couldn't blame his brother. Happy had told them all a little about what her father put her through. It had angered them all, especially hearing she'd witnessed her own father murdering her mother when she was a small child. Then forced into lying to the police for him. It had angered them all hearing it but that hadn't been the worst of it. Chibs had taken quite a liking to the young woman and befriended her when she started warming up to the group.

The Scotsman thought their Intelligence Officer might have had the hots for her the way he was always complimenting her and acting a bit squirrelly around her. He hoped Happy never came to the same conclusion as he did! Hearing that they'd run into her father while they were out doing their shopping made him worry for her. He figured it would bring out all sorts of emotions in the young woman. When she and Happy emerged from the dorms, she headed straight into the kitchen where Gemma and Lyla were at discussing dinner options.

Juice was busy hacking away to see why Harvey was down in Charming. The IO shook his head not believing what he was seeing. 'Why would he be moving here?' Juice thought to himself as he dug deeper for the answers he knew Jax and Happy would be asking him. The more Juice dug, the curiouser things became. It would appear as if Harvey McAllister was running from some of his own creditors. Others he's had trouble paying. 'Then why is he moving to Charming?' Juice sighed as he typed away.

Jax had quit his dealings with Harvey immediately after they took his daughter and forced her to become Happy's 'ol lady. He wasn't going to get burned again by Harvey. Juice dug and dug trying to find out what was going on with Harvey. Happy sat with Jax discussing what to do about Harvey. Jax promised that if Harvey tried anything, he'd let Happy do whatever he wanted. Happy just grunted making the blond smirk at him. Despite the rocky start to their relationship, and Happy's reluctance to having an 'ol lady, everyone knew better than to mess with her.

Seeing how upset she was when she and Gemma returned almost made Jax feel bad for the man. Almost. Gemma was surprised to see Taylor in the kitchen waiting to help on dinner preparations. There were a lot of people to be fed that night since they'd been put on lockdown. She wanted the distraction from the earlier incident. Gemma understood that and was glad for the help. The pair stood in the kitchen discussing what to prepare for dinner. It was finally decided on spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad.

Gemma had Lyla chopping up veggies to put in the salad while she and Taylor prepared the spaghetti and garlic bread. Lyla engaged Taylor in conversation about cooking while the trio of women worked together. The distraction was working and for a moment, she forgot all about running into her father at the grocery store in Charming. Far away from his home. Lyla's son entered the kitchen wanting something to drink. She got into the fridge and handed him a bottle of water making him pout. Taylor chuckled as the blond shooed him out of the kitchen.

Dinner was finally done so Gemma walked out and announced it to everyone. The children ate first followed by the women which was something Taylor appreciated about the bikers. Lyla helped her son and Opie's kids get their plates made while Gemma helped her grandsons. The other women stood in line and waited patiently. Gemma returned and told the women to go ahead and get their dinner. Lyla and Opie's kids weren't as small as Jax's boys so she didn't have to carry their plates to the table Opie was sitting at.

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