Chapter 11

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"What 'appened, lass?" Chibs questioned her.

"I was just sitting by the office eating lunch. He sat down and began talking to me. Gemma told him I was Happy's 'ol lady but he said that Happy would never take an 'ol lady and proceeded to pull me up off my seat and drag me over here." Taylor explained.

Before she knew it, Happy and the guy were going at it right there. Chibs told them to take it to the ring. Taylor felt horrible. Happy was getting into a fight because of her. Chibs draped his arm around her shoulder when he heard her sigh. "Don' worry, lass, 'e'll be alright." Chibs told her as Gemma walked up with the rest of her lunch. Taylor took it before Chibs ushered her into the clubhouse. Tig was cheering the assassin on as quite a few bikers moved to watch the fight between the two men.

Chibs urged the young woman to finish her lunch. All she could think about was Happy getting into a fight because of her. Wouldn't he be upset with her for putting him in the position to have to get into a fight? Surely she'd done something wrong to garner the attention of this other male? Chibs heard her sigh again as she finished her lunch. It made the Scot wonder what she was thinking about.

Words had been exchanged in the ring. Happy was rather brutal to this brother for harassing his 'ol lady. Everyone needed to be taught not to mess with her. He'd already inked her marking her as his. Yet, this guy had the nerve to put his hands on her. It angered him. Taylor was his and only his. Even if he didn't really want an 'ol lady. It was his job to look after her which is what he was attempting to do. Bobby finally broke the fight up. Happy slid out of the ring and redressed before walking into the clubhouse.

He found Chibs sitting with Taylor who was finishing up her lunch. He quickly sat down with the pair and looked over at Chibs. The Scot just nodded at the assassin before getting up to give the pair some space. He moved to sit at the bar with Tig. Once Taylor had finished her lunch, she glanced over at Happy who was just staring out into the parking lot. She wondered what he was thinking about.

"Listen, despite not wanting an 'ol lady, I will always defend and protect you. Ok? No one should ever touch you." He exclaimed, "You belong to me. Anyone that sees your tattoo and doesn't back off deserve to have their ass beat by me. Understand?"

"Yes." She replied.

"Don't feel bad for coming to me and letting me know if someone is harassing you. I'll deal with them. Swiftly." Happy stated.

She didn't know what to say to that so she remained quiet. A few minutes of silence had passed. Happy looked over and noticed the bruise that was forming on her face.

"What happened to your face?" His low, gravelly voice inquired.

"I was struggling with him, trying to get out of his grip. He stopped halfway to the clubhouse where he back-handed me." She explained.

Hearing that made the assassin growl. It was a lucky thing he hadn't known that when he'd been in the ring or else he might've killed the jerk for hitting his 'ol lady! Happy softly told Taylor she should probably get back to work. Nodding her head silently, she stood up and took her trash to the trash can before walking across the lot to the office. Gemma gave her a sad smile as Taylor got back to work.

Taylor was a bit distracted that afternoon and it made Gemma wonder why. She left the office to go see what had happened. Jax explained what had transpired, about Happy getting into the ring with the guy, and how the kid had wound up hitting Taylor. It made the Queen angry but Happy had already taken care of things. He was sitting at the picnic table by the clubhouse nursing a beer. His bottom lip had spit and it looked like his nose had bled some as well. Happy looked up and noticed Gemma. He just shrugged before going back to talking with the person he was sitting with.

Gemma headed back to the office. At least Happy was starting to act like an 'ol man. She gave Taylor menial jobs the rest of the afternoon knowing the poor girl was terribly distracted. It almost made Taylor sigh with relief when the end of the work day came. She could go and prepare dinner for everyone then slink off to their shared room. Gemma watched as the girl walked across the lot to the clubhouse, head down, avoiding looking at anyone or anything. Tig had made mention of how good the girl cooked and wondered just how good of a cook she really was.

Taylor was thinking about what to make for dinner that night as she walked into the clubhouse. As she was walking into the kitchen, someone smacked her ass making her jump and squeal. Her heart began pounding as she turned around. There was a tall, rather buff guy with long dark hair looking her up and down. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. Happy's words hit her mind. "That tattoo gives you authority." he had told her.

"Please don't touch me. I'm already spoken for." She stated.

"Oh yeah, sweet thang? By who?" He asked.

She thrust her arm out showing off her tattoo. The guy's eyes widened seeing Happy's name in her tattoo.

"Happy? You're Hap's 'ol lady?!" He exclaimed, "I'm sorry for touching you! Forget I said anything."

She watched in amazement as the guy scurried off leaving her alone. He apologized for touching her inappropriately then promptly left her alone. Did her tattoo really have that much authority? Shaking her head, she walked into the kitchen to get back to what she was supposed to be doing. She dug through the cabinets to see what she had to work with. There were some pork chops in the freezer so she opted to fry them up along with some mashed potatoes and gravy and a green bean casserole. That sounded like a hearty meal.

"Happy, you need to know what happened." Ratboy stated as Tig walked over and the assassin looked up at him urging him to go on, "David walked up and smacked her ass. She squealed then turned around. He said something to her and maybe ten seconds later, she thrust her arm out. He seemed shocked, said something else, then quickly walked away. Her shocked face was rather cute."

"She showed him her crow and he backed off." Happy chuckled, "Good girl."

"You need to tell her that, Hap. Chibs is right, you need to encourage the poor thing more." Tig told his friend.

She was peeling potatoes in the kitchen when Happy entered. He walked to stand by the counter next to her making her a bit nervous.

"I heard about what happened with David and him smacking your ass. You did the right thing by showing him your tattoo. How he reacted is how everyone should react. You did good." Happy told her after a few minutes of him trying to figure out exactly what to say to her.

"He seemed almost...scared...when he saw my tattoo. Why?" She finally looked up at him.

"I have a reputation around here. No one wants to get on my bad side or they know what I'm capable of doing to them. By touching or harassing you, they know they'll get on my bad side." He explained.


"What's on the menu tonight?" He asked as he watched her peeling potatoes.

"Fried pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green bean casserole." She stated.

"Sounds good. Let me know when dinner's ready." He stated before leaving her alone again.

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