Chapter 7

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After breakfast, she walked back to their room figuring that's what he was going to tell her to do anyhow. As she was sitting there trying to figure out when the best time to head back into the kitchen to clean up from breakfast was, the door opened up revealing him. She wasn't sure if he was angry, upset, or what as he shut the door behind him. She swallowed as he sat down in the chair by the desk.

"We need to talk." He told her, "Tell me how you grew up, how your dad treated you, what happened to your mom, everything. In return, I'll tell you about the club."

She stared at his chest unbelieving he actually wanted to get to know her.

"Go on, girl." Happy demanded.

"Uh." She stated not knowing what to tell him.

"How did you grow up?" Happy practically rolled his eyes.

"My dad...made me do all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry." She stated, "Since I was about eight. Shortly after my mom died."


"If I wasn't doing those things, I stayed in my room. (She swallowed hard having never told anyone these things before) I tried to stay out of his way and on his good side. But he...he was never happy with the way I did things. I could never do anything right...." She trailed making Happy come to a sudden realization.

"Did he ever lay a hand on you?" Happy asked.

"Sometimes he'd slap me." She stared at the floor, "But he never broke bones if that's what you mean."

"What else?" Happy inquired.

"He always told me how worthless I was just like my mom. How I could never do anything right. I did all the cooking but I was never good at it. He made me eat last so I figured you'd be the same way." She explained, "All I'm good for is cooking, cleaning, and laundry. It's all I know how to do even if I suck at it. (Her eyes began to get teary)"

"Ok, little girl." Happy sighed, "I think I understand how you grew up and how your dad treated you. Tell me about your mom."

"Mom was... (she sighed) mom was a saint. To me. Dad hated her. Always calling her worthless, trash, useless, a waste of space. He beat her. Broken bones, even cut her with knives on several occasions. (She took the chance to look up into Happy's face) I watched him from behind the couch as he... as he beat her to death one night." Taylor explained.

"You watched your father beat your mother to death?" Happy's eyes widened, "When did this happen?"

"When I was eight. He made me lie to the police for him. He threatened to do the same to me if I didn't. Threatened to keep food from me if I didn't take up the slack of keeping the house up and keeping him fed." She told him.

Happy didn't know what to say to the girl. Had she ever confessed any of this to anyone before?

"I'm sorry you've had such a shitty life." Happy stated, "You don't need to be so skittish around me. I'm not going to hurt you. None of my brothers will hurt you. Not if they know what's good for them."

"If you, I'm fine sleeping on the floor outside the room. I'm used to not having a bed so it's no big deal for me. I don't want to cause you any problems." She stared at her hands.


She shrugged, "I spent the last year without a bed. It was only about two months ago did my dad buy me the bed I had when you guys arrived."

"You mean to tell me he had you sleeping on a cold, hard floor?" Happy's eyes widened again making her shake her head.

"It's ok. Really. I'm used to it. So you if you want company, just let me know. I'll leave you alone." She exclaimed.

"No. I can't, I won't, let you sleep on the floor like a dog. It's not right." Happy stated, "You're my 'ol lady and it's your right to sleep in here with me."

"What about when you" She inquired, still refusing eye contact.

"I'll figure something else out." He stated.

"I know there's going to come a time when you expect it from me." She suddenly blurted out.

"Expect what from you?"

"Sex." She replied.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"You're a man. In control of this relationship. Don't you want sex?" She lifted her eyes but stopping at his chest.

"I'm not going to force you into anything." He stated before a thought hit him, "Did your dad ever force you?"

She just remained quiet and stared at her hands. Happy growled making her flinch.

"Listen to me, Taylor. I'm not going to hurt you in any way. I'm not going to force myself on you, either. You're safe with me and my brothers." Happy exclaimed.

"I just...all I know is cooking, cleaning, and laundry." She stated, "And I can't even do those things right most of the time."

"From the two meals you've cooked for us, I'd say you were a pretty damned good cook."

She looked up into his face and was shocked to see he seemed to be sincere.

"If what you're most comfortable with is cooking, keep doing it. Breakfast and dinner. We usually have the prospect or Juice go get lunch from the local diner for everyone." Happy told her, "You can do my laundry. We have a small laundry room here. I'll show you where it is later. I think Gemma wants to take you out sometime soon to go clothes shopping. She thinks you need some new clothes."

"What? I...I'm fine with what I have." Taylor exclaimed.

"She made a good point. All your clothes look like you've had them for years. You need some new stuff. Enjoy spending time with the SAMCRO Queen. She'll teach you everything you need to know about being an 'ol lady and how to handle shit around here." Happy told her.

She asked him what an 'ol lady was so he explained what the term meant. He told her about the crow all 'ol ladies sported and said he'd be tattooing her at some point so everyone knew she was his 'ol lady. He told her about the club, the ranks of the club members, and his role in it. She was shocked to hear that he was basically an assassin for this club and that he had done unspeakable things to others. She was stuck with this man and had no way of getting out of this arrangement.

He was sure what he told her scared her about him but she had to learn the truth about him. Happy reassured her that he'd never hurt her. He told her she was free to roam around the clubhouse and the lot but to stay out of the chapel. She nodded in understanding. Asking if she hand any questions, she shook her head no. Taking a deep breath, he told her it had been nice talking to her and that he'd be thinking of a design to tattoo on her later.

She was being branded and didn't quite know how to feel about that. He left the room when they had finished their conversation. With nothing else to do, she left the room and headed into the kitchen to clean up from breakfast. Happy went out to help work on a rather stubborn Plymouth with Tig. Chibs and Opie were working on an older model Ford. The prospects were cleaning the clubhouse but she kept shaking her head at them. They were cutting corners and not cleaning right and it was driving her crazy!

A/N: Think things are going to start looking up for Taylor and Happy?

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