Chapter 8

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As Happy helped Tig with the car, he began thinking of a design for Taylor's tattoo. She didn't have any tattoos, that he could see anyway, so this would be a first for her. He wondered how she was going to take it. She never gave an attitude, talked back, or even voiced her displeasure about anything. Did that have something to do with the way she'd grown up? Why was he getting angry at thinking of how she did grow up?

"You ok, Hap?" Tig suddenly asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." Happy quickly retorted.

"You seem distracted." Tig commented.

Happy sighed, "I talked to Taylor about why she's so skittish. Her childhood...she's been abused by her father since he killed her mother when she was eight. Did you know the girl watched her own father beat her mother to death? He made her lie to the police for him."

"Holy shit, brother." Tig's jaw dropped.

"That's not the worse part. She told me she expected me to eventually want sex from her. It took me off guard. I finally told her I'd never force myself on her. She wouldn't look at me or say anything when I asked her if her father had ever forced her...the silence told me everything.

(Happy sighed) The girl's lived a shitty life. I just don't know how to deal with her, brother. I told her she could cook us breakfast and dinner and she could do my laundry. It's what she's used to doing anyways." Happy explained.

"Maybe we go back and have a little chat with her father about how to treat women." Tig growled.

Despite all the sick things both men had done, abuse of a child was a line that was never to be crossed.

"Hey Happy, do you mind if I take her out for a little while? I want to take her clothes shopping." Gemma walked up.

"Uh, sure. I'll go make sure she's ready." Happy stated before Tig slapped his back.

Happy left Tig and Gemma to head to their dorm room.

"Is Happy alright?" The Queen asked the SAA.

"He's not used to having an 'ol lady, Gem. It's going to take him some time to get used to having her around and all the responsibilities of having an 'ol lady." Tig covered up for Happy.

"Well, he better treat her right or I'll have his balls." She stated.

"I don't think that'll be a problem." Tig stated.

She looked up when the door opened up. He told her Gemma wanted to take her clothes shopping before walking over to his dresser. He hated excessive spending, especially since he helped his mother with getting her medications, but thought it would be a nice gesture for him to give her some money to spend on clothes. Besides, he didn't know what Gemma would expect in this situation. He took out a couple hundred bucks and turned around.

"Get whatever you need." He told her as he handed the money over to her.

"Thank you." She all but whispered.

"You can relax, little girl. None of us are going to treat you like your father did. Gemma may start asking you all sorts of questions but that's just her. She's trying to get to know you." He explained as he looked over her frail body, "Have a good time and I'll see you when you get back."

She stuffed the money he'd given her into the pocket of her jeans before following him out of their shared space. Despite his words, she was still uncomfortable around everyone. Gemma was talking to the one with the scars of his face, Chibs if she remembered his name correctly, when she and Happy emerged from the dorm rooms. The Queen gave her a wide smile and told her to come along since they had somewhere to be. With one last look over at Happy who was engaged in talking with someone, she followed Gemma out to her car.

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