Chapter 4

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"Gem, 'ow is she?" Chibs asked when he entered the office.

"Still skittish and quiet. Tara was pleased with how she was eating before she was released. Her fluid levels are back to normal and the infections are both gone." Gemma told the Scot.

"Poor thing looks weak as rainwater." Chibs commented.

"She does. What all did she bring with her?" Gemma asked.

"Tig was in charge o' making sure she packed a bag. Better ask 'im." Chibs retorted.

Gemma stood up and walked to her office door then yelled for Tig. He wiped his hands before walking across the lot to see what the Queen wanted. He found Chibs in the office too and wondered what was going on. She asked him what all the girl had packed before they'd taken her from her home.

"Normal stuff. Jeans, tanks, t-shirts. Some shoes. Her bathroom stuff." Tig shrugged, "It all looked worn out though."

"Worn out?" Gemma lit a cigarette.

"You know, like she hadn't had anything new in a long time." Tig tried to explain.

"I see. I'll talk to Happy about taking her out for some clothes shopping. Might do the girl some good to get out for a bit." Gemma blew smoke out before telling the pair to get back to work.

The prospect returned with everyone's lunch and set it out on the bar. Happy grunted as he took Taylor's food to her. She looked up when the door opened up. He set the bag on the bed and handed her a cup of soda before silently leaving her alone. With a shaky hand, she dug into the bag for her lunch. Chibs sat at a table and watched Happy. He wasn't thrilled with being saddled with this woman, they all knew it, but he thought the Killah could be a little kinder to the poor girl.

Taylor was going crazy in her room. There was nothing for her to do. No cleaning. No cooking. No laundry. She didn't know what was expected of her or how to stay on the unhappy one's good side. He'd told her he wasn't mad at her at breakfast but it still seemed like he was. Why else would he take someone to bed and let her sleep on the floor? She sighed as she looked around the room. It was unusual for a man to be such a neat freak. 'What am I going to do?' she sighed as she curled up on the bed.

There would be another party that night. Happy wanted to get laid but didn't know what to do with Taylor. He couldn't just kick her out of their room again. He certainly didn't want to pass her off to one of his brothers. It irritated him that he'd been saddled with this girl. He didn't want to be tied down to anyone and Jax knew it! Happy thought about asking Jax to pass her off to someone else but thought the blond would probably just tell him to suck it up and live with the decision.

"Chibs, would you let the girl stay with you tonight?" Happy finally asked the medic.

"Sure. Any reason why?" Chibs asked.

"I don't want to just kick her out so I can get laid with no where else for her to go." Happy explained, "Gemma said she'd have my balls hanging from her rearview mirror if I did that again."

Chibs just laughed, "She can room in with me tonight. Don' make it a 'abit, brotha."

Once he'd eaten, Happy walked down to his dorm room. She'd finished her lunch already and had the trash in the trashcan by the desk. She was just sitting on the bed Indian style waiting for something. He looked at her briefly before telling her that she'd be rooming in with Chibs that night and when he was ready, he'd take her down to Chibs' room. She just nodded figuring why he was having her room in with someone else.

He found it odd that she didn't object, yell at him, give him any sort of dirty looks. She just sat there and nodded in understanding. There was no fight in her at all. With nothing left to say, he left the room and walked back out to the car he'd been working on before lunch. Chibs wondered how long the Killah could keep finding places for the girl to stay while he slept with other people before she had enough. He'd rather the poor thing stay with him in his room than have to sleep out on the floor again, from what the prospect told him earlier.

Happy made sure she had dinner before bringing her to Chibs' room. The party was starting and all he cared about was getting wasted and getting laid. Gemma frowned at his behavior but refrained from saying anything. She wasn't thrilled with him pawning off his 'ol lady to someone else but it was better than having the girl sleep on the floor by the door to his room. Before he got too wasted, he walked back to the dorms to move her from his room to Chibs'.

"Behave yourself. Stay here. I'll come and get you in the morning." He told her before shutting the door.

She looked around and sighed with relief. It wasn't as clean as where she had been staying. There was trash all over, dirty clothes laying around, the bed was unmade. It gave her something to do and she was thankful for that. Slipping out of the room, she looked around the hallway. Most were dorm rooms but she found a supply closet and sighed. She grabbed a broom, dust pan, and several trash bags before darting back into where she was temporarily staying.

Her first task was to pick up all the trash. She emptied the bottles that still had liquid in them in the sink in the bathroom before putting them in the trash bag. Satisfied that she'd picked everything up, she began gathering all the clothes up that she figured were dirty and left them in a pile by the dresser. Then she got to clearing off the desk and organizing it. Her last task was making the bed.

As she sat down after her cleaning spree, she hoped the occupant wouldn't get mad at her. She hoped the unhappy one wouldn't get mad at her either for leaving the space after he told her to stay there. She had disobeyed a direct order and she knew punishment was coming. The room desperately needed cleaning, though, and she couldn't leave it a mess even if she were only a guest for one night. Boredom got to her so she finally laid down by the edge of the bed the furthest away from the door and tried to go to sleep.

Around midnight, Chibs decided to head off to bed. He entered his room and stopped. The bathroom light was on which gave the room just enough light to see by. He looked around with his jaw hanging open. 'The las cleaned my room! Why?' he thought to himself as his eyes finally landed on the young woman laying on top of the covers. He slid his kutte off and draped it over the back of the chair by his desk. He grabbed his pj bottoms and walked into the bathroom to change clothes. She was a brother's 'ol lady, after all, and he wanted to show respect despite what Happy was doing.

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