Chapter 20

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A year passed since the Sons took Taylor from her father and made her Happy's 'ol lady. She was still skittish around people she didn't know but she had warmed up to most of the original charter members. She seemed to be closest to Chibs followed by Tig. She attended club parties, upon Happy's request, and had gotten good at telling off all the crow eaters who dared tell her what to do or that tried to seduce her 'ol man. It always amused the Killah seeing her get so aggressive about them.

After a year of living in the clubhouse, she had finally gotten used to most of his brothers. She cooked breakfast and dinner for them every night which his brothers had gotten spoiled to. Even some of the Nomads and the Tacoma charter that came down on a regular basis had gotten spoiled to her cooking. It made Happy very proud that they always praised her skills in the kitchen. He asked her if she wanted to move out of the clubhouse and she always told him no. He figured after a year of living in a biker clubhouse, she'd want her own space. She seemed content to live there and he wasn't going to force her to live somewhere she didn't want to live.

Things were going south with some of their acquaintances so Jax decided they should go on lockdown. Gemma asked Taylor to go to the grocery store with her to stock up for the lock down. Jax had Opie escort the two ladies just in case something happened. It wasn't Taylor's first lockdown although she still didn't like them. They made it to the store where she followed the Queen around picking up what she thought they'd need for their time at the clubhouse. Besides, Taylor had a grocery list of what all she wanted to pick up as well. She always cooked for the boys so she made sure to keep a running grocery list of what they needed when they ran out of stuff.

As they walked around, Taylor never would have guessed who they would run into. They turned down an aisle and she stopped in her tracks. Gemma was talking to her about something but all she could do was stare at him. He wasn't paying her any attention, at the moment, and that's the way she preferred it. Opie stopped behind Taylor wondering why she'd stopped.

"Taylor? Taaaaylor?" Gemma asked as she turned around.

The young girl just stood there staring at him wondering why he was in Charming.

"Taylor?" He stated as he turned towards them after hearing Gemma calling her name, "Why imagine that. Us running into one another like this."

His grin made an uneasy feeling bubble up inside her as she took a few steps back running into Opie.

"Wh...what a...are you d...doing here?" She stuttered, eyes glued to him.

"Taylor, who's this?" Gemma inquired as she looked between the pair.

He gave her some creepy vibes as she watched him eyeing up Taylor.

"A man can't stop in a grocery store to pick up some groceries?" He asked.

"That's not what I meant. Why are you in Charming?" Taylor asked.

"Who the hell are you?" Gemma stared at him.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm her father. Who are you?" He replied.

"You're Taylor's father?" Gemma asked before she took her handbag and swung it at his face.

"Gemma, no! We need to get our stuff and get back to the clubhouse." Opie exclaimed.

"What the hell was that for, you crazy bitch?" Harvey shouted as he held his now-bleeding nose.

"For all the bullshit you put poor Taylor through!" Gemma spat at him as Opie moved to stand between the pair.

"Still living with those damned bikers, huh? How's that guy working out for you? Still a burden to him, I reckon?" Harvey laughed.

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