Chapter 17

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They watched a horror film, which she had never liked since they gave her nightmares, before bed. She always squeezed her eyes shut when the scary parts came on. Despite her efforts, she knew she would most likely have a nightmare that night. When he began to yawn, he turned the TV and bedside lamp off. He still couldn't sleep on his side so he scooted around to get as comfortable on his back as he could. She stared up at the ceiling until she finally drifted off to sleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night she bolted straight up, tears streaming down her face, heart racing, and looking around wildly. She was in a dorm room. The same dorm room she shared with Happy.

"Hey. You ok?" She heard his raspy, deep, sleep-addled voice ask.

She just sniffled unsure of what to tell him.

"Come here, little girl." He told her.

She looked over at him, wiped her eyes, and stared. He tapped his chest so she scooted down where she could snuggle into his side. He wrapped his good arm around her shoulder.

"It's going to be alright. You're safe here. No one is going to harm you." He told her as she continued to sniffle, "It was just a bad dream."

"I'm...sorry." She stuttered.

"Shh. It's ok. Let's just try and get some sleep, ok?" He told her, "Everything's going to be alright now."

His body was warm, he had her tucked into his side, and she could lay there listening to the sound of his breathing as it evened back out. She rested her hand in the middle of his tattooed chest as she got more comfortable before closing her eyes again. It didn't take her long to drift back off to sleep. She didn't have any more nightmares that night as she slept cuddled with Happy. When she awoke the next morning, they were in the same position as when she'd gone back to sleep.

It felt odd to be so close to him. It was such an intimate way of sleeping. She didn't know if she should scoot out from under him, afraid if she did she might wake him, or if she should remain where she was until he woke up on his own. She glanced up at his still-sleeping face debating on what to do.

"Why are you staring at me?" His sleep-addled voice brought her out of her thoughts.

She quickly looked away, "I'm sorry."

"Why aren't you making breakfast?" He asked.

"I...uh...wasn't sure if I should stay here until you woke up or try to scoot out from under you with the possibility of waking you up." She quietly stated.

"I'm awake now, little girl." He stated as he removed his arm from around her shoulders, "Get dressed and get some coffee going. I'll be out there after I take a shower."

"Ok." She sat up and scooted off the bed.

He watched as she grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom to change. When she emerged, he gave her a half-smile.

"Little girl, you're my 'ol lady. You're gonna have to get used to dressing and undressing in front of me." He told her.

Her face flushed at his words. She didn't want him looking at her like that. She'd seen the women who came around for the parties. They were much more attractive than she was and he could have any of them he wanted. She was just some ugly, scarred up waste of space.

"Taylor?" Happy asked as he sat up.

"I'm sorry. I'll try to be better." She stated before quickly leaving and heading into the kitchen.

'What the hell did she mean?' he thought to himself as he flung the covers off him and walked into the bathroom. The hot water from the shower felt good although he hated getting his bandages wet. He'd have to have Chibs look at his wound again and rebandage him up. No one was up yet when he walked out into the clubhouse. Entering the kitchen, he found Taylor busying herself with making breakfast. Pancakes, pan sausage, and biscuits. The coffee pot was full so he made himself a cup and leaned against the counter watching her work.

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