Chapter 23

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He felt her glancing over at him as he chatted with Tig and Chibs. It was rather cute to him how she worried about him so much. He was a very feared man in their world yet here she was worrying about him! Once she'd eaten, he told her to head back to their room and he'd be in there soon. She just nodded and did as she was told. Chibs told him how anxious she'd been all day worrying about him. Happy chuckled as he finished his beer. "As I told her, I'm fine. He won't be bothering her anymore so hopefully that will ease a lot of her anxiety." Happy stated before standing up.

"'e's a good 'ol man even if 'e doesn't want t' admit it." Chibs laughed as he watched Happy walk to the corridor to the dorm rooms.

"Yeah. He cares a lot about her." Tig commented.

"And she cares fer 'im. Was so worried 'er da' was goin' t' 'urt Happy she was nearly 'yperventilating as we sat in 'ere before Jax called Juice fer the van." Chibs explained.

"Poor girl." Tig stated.

"I wonder what 'er da' meant by "clients" earlier?" Chibs suddenly wondered out loud.

"I don't know but it didn't appear she was too happy with the idea of meeting with them going by the look on her face." Tig stated.

"Oh? I didn't catch that since I was makin' sure she was safe." Chibs told his friend.

"She looked mortified. Almost ashamed." Tig said, "Makes me very curious about her. Has she told Happy everything her dad used to do to her? We know about the psychological and emotional abuse but what else is there she's not letting on about?"

"I think the poor lass 'as 'ad a rougher life than we originally thought." Chibs sighed before taking a swig of his beer, "At least she's 'ere with us now. 'avin' a life o' 'er own. Makin' 'er own livin'. With someone who genuinely cares for 'er."

"True. It still seems weird. Happy with an 'ol lady. Makes me laugh sometimes." Tig chuckled, "But they've finally taken to one another it seems. She's found her niche with the club and is happy here I guess."

Taylor was curled up on the bed when Happy entered their room. It had been a very long, almost torturous day for her as she worried about Happy. She knew she'd be beside herself if something had happened to him. Her father was conniving and that's what worried her the most about Happy dealing with him. The Tacoma Killah slid his kutte off and draped it over the desk chair before sitting down on the side of the bed to slip his boots off.

He laid down and motioned for her to snuggle up to him. She quickly did as she was asked, resting her head on his shoulder while he draped both arms around her. She rested her hand on his chest as they remained quiet in their embrace. There was something he wanted to know but didn't want to bring up bad memories. He was curious about these "clients" her father spoke of. She had gripped his arm even harder when Harvey mentioned them.

"Taylor, we need to talk." Happy stated.

"Uh, ok."

"What did your father mean when he said he had some clients for you?" Happy finally asked what he wanted to know.

She stared at his chest hoping he wouldn't bring this up. She was ashamed of what her father made her do. It made her feel gross just thinking about it.

"Taylor? Tell me." Happy got a bit more commanding making her sigh.

"When I was a teenager, he'd set up these...dates...for me." She started out making his eyes widen.

"By dates, do you mean...he made you...tell me he wasn't pimping you out..." Happy exclaimed.

She couldn't look him in the eye instead opting to just stare at his chest.

"It's ok, Taylor. I'm not upset with you. Your father was a bastard who didn't deserve to be sharing the same air as you." Happy told her as he gave her a squeeze, "That part of your life is over now. You have me and the club and Gemma. All who adore you."

"I'm used up, scarred up, worthless..." She trailed as she tried not to cry.

"Listen to me baby, you are none of those things. You are my beautiful 'ol lady. You belong to me. No one dares touch you because of who you are in this club. You have respect and authority around here." Happy told her as he moved some hair out of her face, "All you need to keep reminding yourself is how much I adore you and care for you."

" do?" She finally looked up into his face.

"Yes, Taylor, I do. I care about you a lot. I adore you so much." He ran his thumb over her cheek as he spoke.

She had to process what he was telling her. He cared for her. He adored her. Did that mean he was attracted to her as well? He never made a move on her since she became his. Suddenly she wanted to know why.

"Happy? Why haven't you made a move on me? I'm sure by now the need for sex is..." She started out but he pressed a finger to her lips to silence her.

"I told you before I wouldn't force myself on you. I wanted you to get used to being my 'ol lady. To get used to the club. To get used to our lifestyle. I wanted you to be comfortable around us." He told her, "Yes, I miss sex but I will never force myself on you. I promise you that."

"What if I want it?" She questioned.

"Then you'll have to make the first move." He told her as his heart rate sped up some, "Whatever we do from here on out is all up to you."

"I...I want to know what sex is like without it being forced on me." She looked away from him as she all but whispered the sentence.

"If that's the case..." He moved her face so they were staring into one another's eyes, "Then let me show you. Just give me the word."

"I want this, Happy." She stared at him.

He'd been hoping for this for several months now. Although she always kept her back to him, she was at least now undressing and dressing in front of him. Sex was a whole other level in their relationship.

"Are you sure about this? You still get shy when dressing in front of me." He asked as he rolled them so they were on their sides looking at one another.

"I'm sure. It's time." She replied.


Chibs was the first to notice Taylor walking slightly funny the following day. He remained quiet as she headed straight into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee since the prospect had already made one pot. Happy was still sleeping and she didn't want to bother him. Jax and Tig were sitting together, both sipping on some coffee, going over who they needed to talk to that day so the lockdown could be lifted. The blond biker leader wanted to lift it as quickly as possible so people could get back to their lives without being stuck in the clubhouse.

Taylor was looking through the cabinets and fridge trying to decide what would be good to make for breakfast for everyone that day. They had enough ingredients to make pancakes and bacon so she immediately got to work. Wondering what had happened to Taylor was getting the better of the medic. His cup was empty so he walked into the kitchen to grab himself another cup. Watching her walk around so funny made him raise an eyebrow at her. She refused to make eye contact.

"Lass, why are ya walkin' so funny today?" He quietly questioned bringing an instant blush to her face.

"Uh...well...Happy and I... you know..." She stuttered, "After a long discussion of course."

"Ya mean the two o' ya finally had sex?" His eyes widened making her blush again.

"Yeah. I guess I'm walking funny because...uh...he is a big guy. And I haven't had sex in a really long time." Her face turned an even brighter shade of red.

"I don' mean t' make ya blush, lass. Was jus' worried about ya." Chibs told her with a warm smile.

"I know. It's appreciated." She smiled back at him.

A/N: Well it seems Happy and Taylor are an honest couple now, huh? ;)

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