Chapter 13

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She continued making plates for the bikers until all that needed to be fed was her. Her plate was sitting on the counter as she began cleaning up the kitchen from breakfast. She didn't see him standing in the doorway watching her as she worked. The prospects had already thrown everyone's trash away for them. Happy wanted to check and see why she hadn't come out of the kitchen with her own plate.

"Your food is going to get cold." She heard his low, gravelly voice exclaim making her jump.

"Oh. I just wanted to get a jump on the cleaning before I head over to the office." She tried to explain.

"You can clean after you eat." He countered.

"I'm almost done. Then I'll eat and then head over to the office." She stated.

"Are you talking back to me?" He asked making her drop her eyes to the floor and silently shake her head.

He grinned, "I didn't mean to frighten you, little girl. But you need to eat before you start cleaning from now on, ok? I can't have you dropping from malnutrition."

"Oh. Uh, ok." She cautiously looked up into his eyes.

"Come out here and have a seat and eat. You can finish cleaning afterwards." He motioned for her to follow him.

She did as she was told and followed him out into the clubhouse where she had a seat at his table. Tig looked between the pair curiously. She ate quickly knowing there were things she needed to get done. Happy and Tig continued their conversation but Happy kept glancing over at her to make sure she was eating. Once she'd cleaned her plate, he waved the prospect over to take her trash so she could finish cleaning the kitchen before walking to the office to start her day with Gemma.

"Things seem to be going pretty well between you two." Tig commented making Happy shrug.

"It's a learning process." Happy retorted.

As she left the kitchen to start her work day with Gemma, she looked over to where Happy was still sitting with Tig. He just nodded at her making her smile sheepishly back. The Queen had her reorganizing the cabinets to make finding paperwork easier since everything had been placed in there so haphazardly. It was a mindless task but Taylor had no problems doing it. While she was busy, Jax called church because they were having some issues with one of their business ventures being vandalized.

He, Tig, Happy, and Ratboy were heading out to checking things out and then go have a "chat" with the people they believed to have vandalized their property. When they arrived, they noted broken windows, graffiti spray painted everywhere, the door kicked in, and some of their equipment had been stolen. The graffiti was known to the bikers as a rival gang that had just started trying to move into their territory. Jax called Juice to get their IO to find out where the other gang hung out at. They needed to have a meeting with them about their vandalism.

Gemma and Taylor watched two hours after the bikers had left as the tow truck and van suddenly bolted out of their lot. "Huh. I wonder what's going on?" Gemma asked making Taylor shrug her shoulders. She never really wanted to know what they did. She didn't feel it was her place to know what was going on. Her place was doing whatever Gemma wanted her to do in the office and cooking for the bikers and doing Happy's laundry. She kept the room clean as best as she could but it was easy since he was a neat freak too.

When the bikers rolled back onto the lot with the tow truck hauling a motorcycle, Gemma began to get concerned. Taylor followed Gemma out into the lot to see what had happened. Jax glanced over at Taylor and gave her a sad smile. Jax explained that their meeting had not gone very well and Happy and Ratboy had gotten hurt. Tig had Juice help Ratboy get Happy from the van and into the clubhouse. Seeing Happy needing help walking and bloody made Taylor gasp.

"Go be with your 'ol man, Taylor." Gemma urged the young woman.

Chibs was already waiting with his med kit when Happy was brought in. The assassin was laid out on a table in a back room by the time Taylor entered the clubhouse. Ratboy showed her where Happy was at making her thank him quietly. Seeing how pale Happy looked frightened Taylor. If something happened to him, she wasn't sure what would happen to her. She was his property, after all!

Hearing Happy's pained moans hit her. Chibs was trying to dig a bullet out of his shoulder with no anesthesia. She didn't know what to do as she stood there watching the Scotsman work on her 'ol man. The feeling of helplessness hit her and she hated it. Chibs asked her if she'd get him something out of his bag which she was quick to do. He thanked her before turning his attention back to Happy. A few minutes later, he asked her to go fetch a warm wash rag.

Jax watched as Taylor darted out of the room and straight to the kitchen. A few minutes later, she scurried from the kitchen back to the room with a warm wash rag in her hands. Chibs told her to wipe the wound carefully for him which she complied as gently as she could. Happy's moaning didn't ease her distress any. Chibs watched as she carefully leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to his forehead in an attempt at making him feel better. It brought a smile to his face as he watched this young woman trying to be a good 'ol lady to Happy.

It took a while but Chibs was eventually able to pull the bullet out of Happy's left shoulder. He had Taylor hold the clamp for him as he stitched a small vein that had been nicked by the bullet. Once that had been repaired, he began to stitch up the wound itself. She watched Chibs bandage Happy up. The assassin was sweating and it worried her greatly. "Don' worry, lass, 'e'll be fine with some bed rest." Chibs told her as he grabbed his tools that needed to be washed.

He went to wash off all his tools, and his hands, before telling Jax that he'd gotten the bullet out of Happy and that he was all patched up. The blond biker leader had Juice and the prospect help Happy back to his dorm room. She followed close behind not knowing what to do. Gemma just smirked knowing that Taylor was going to make an excellent 'ol lady once she gained more confidence and self-esteem. Juice and the prospect got Happy sitting on the side of the bed. He growled at them to go away so they quickly left the room.

She stood by the door wondering what she should do. He looked up to see her standing there. Despite the pain he was in that made him irritable, he found himself not wanting to yell at her. Her father had done enough yelling to last a lifetime. "Come help me undress, little girl." He told her. She quickly moved to where he was sitting to help him out of his boots. He knew bending over was going to just make him dizzy which would make him nauseas.

Lifting his arm hurt so he had her help take his shirt off for him. He was able to undo his buckle and jeans but sliding them down his leg was more difficult. She helped him with that too before he pulled the covers back and laid down in bed. He watched as she threw his bloody shirt in the hamper then folded his jeans and set them on the desk next to her bags.

"You really need to put your clothes away." He stated, "When I'm feeling better, I'll make a space for you in the dresser."

"Ok." She quietly replied, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No. I'm just going to lay here and sleep. Get back to work." He told her.

"Do you want me to wake you for dinner?" She asked.

"Yes." He stated before thinking about it, "Actually, just make me a plate and bring it here."

"Ok." She stated before quietly slipping out the door.

He scooted around some to get comfortable then closed his eyes. He thought back to how frightened she had looked while she stood at the door. It was as if she were worried something was going to happen to him. She walked through the clubhouse making several of the bikers look at her strangely. Gemma was surprised to see her back in the office figuring she'd rather stay with Happy. When she asked, Taylor told her that Happy had told her he was just going to sleep and for her to get back to work.

A/N: Seems like Taylor is starting to become a good 'ol lady, huh? :D

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