Chapter 2

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Taylor didn't see Happy until hours and hours later. She'd paced the room. Counted ceiling tiles. Taken a nap. It was late in the evening when he came in with some blond and half-drunk. "Get out." he told her. She scurried out of the room. Not sure where to go, and afraid of going somewhere that would make him angry, she slid down the wall and sat on the floor by the door to their room. Her stomach was making noises since she hadn't eaten since breakfast.

She thought about heading into the main part of the clubhouse but thought he might get mad at her for bothering the other people so she remained where she was. As she started getting sleepy, she just curled up in a ball on the floor and went to sleep. It wasn't the first time she'd had to sleep on the floor and she was certain it wouldn't be the only time.

Jax arrived the next morning and parked his bike. He headed into the office first and asked his mom for a favor. He wanted her to take Happy's new 'ol lady to St Thomas to get a thorough examination. She seemed too frail for his liking and wanted to know how her health was and if she had any special needs. Gemma promised she would when everyone began to wake up. Around ten am, she decided now was a good time to officially meet this young woman.

She thought the girl would be sleeping in Happy's room. When the Queen approached the door, she found the girl curled up in a ball sleeping on the floor just outside the room. It angered her and she began pounding on Happy's door. He growled, not wanting to be woken up so early. Slipping into some boxers, he flung the door open to yell at whoever had woken him up. The blond sleeping next to him sat up in bed and covered herself with the blankets.

"Get lost, skank." Gemma stared at her making the girl scurry to get dressed and slip past Happy, "Get your ass dressed and take the poor girl to breakfast and apologize. She slept on the floor by your door last night. When you get back, I'm taking her to St Thomas to get a check up."

Gemma was the Queen but he growled at her making her grab him by his jaw and stare into his dark eyes.

"If I ever hear or see her sleeping on the floor like a dog again, I'll have your balls hanging off my rearview mirror." She told him before turning on her heel and stalking back to her office.

He ran his hand over his face before sighing since she had been awakened by the pounding on the door. She sat up and rubbed her eyes as he walked back into his room to get dressed. Figuring she was in trouble, as she usually was, she stood by the door and waited further instructions. He came out dressed with his kutte on and told her to follow him. Most of his brothers had been awoken by Gemma's pounding on his door and just looked on as he briskly walked to his bike with the strange woman in tow.

He grunted as he helped her get onto his bike then told her to wrap her arms around his waist. She was so frail he was afraid if she fell off she'd break in half. It only took a few minutes to arrive at the local diner and she was happy to see they would be getting food. Hearing the sounds her stomach was making confused him. 'Didn't she eat last night?' he thought as they were ushered to a booth. He didn't give her a chance to look over the menu as he ordered her the daily special.

"Look, little girl, I'm sorry for kicking you out last night and not making sure you had somewhere to sleep." He quietly stated.

She just looked at him strangely which confused the killer. He was apologizing to her? She didn't understand. Hadn't she done something wrong? Wasn't that why he was mad at her?

"What's that look for?" He asked.

"'re apologizing to me. I don't understand..." She quietly replied, "Didn't I do something wrong? Isn't that why you're mad at me?"

It was his turn to stare strangely at her. She thought she'd done something wrong? What was wrong with this woman?

"No. You didn't do anything wrong." He softened his voice some or as much as the killer could, "And I'm not mad at you. When we get back, Gemma is going to take you to St Thomas to get a thorough exam done to check your health. Listen to what she says. She's the Queen around the clubhouse."

"Ok." Came Taylor's meek reply.

Their food was brought and the pair ate in silence. She kept looking up at him as if to make sure it was ok for her to be eating. He couldn't believe she thought she'd done something wrong. 'This chick is seriously messed up!' he sighed as he watched her eat. She'd cleaned everything off her plate. He paid their tab and ushered her back out to his bike.

Gemma was anxiously waiting when they returned. She strolled over and introduced herself making the young woman mumble her name. Gemma and Happy gave one another a glance before Gemma told the girl there was someplace they needed to be. Taylor followed Gemma out to her SUV and climbed in. The pair were silent all the way to the hospital. The Queen had pulled some strings and got her in to see a physician there at the hospital.

She was waiting out in the waiting room when Tara arrived. She spotted Gemma and stormed over pulling the Queen to her feet.

"Where the hell did you find this girl at?" Tara hissed.

"The boys brought her back from Lodi. She was exchanged to Happy as payment for part of what her father owed the Sons." Gemma told her, "Why? Is she ok?"

"No, she's not ok! She's malnourished, severely dehydrated, she has a kidney and urinary tract infection, on top of being the most skittish person I've ever seen. Gemma, this woman has been profoundly abused. It may not be physical because we've seen no old fractures or signs of broken bones but she's been abused probably her whole life." Tara explained.

"I admit she's a" Gemma trailed.

"Trust me on this. We're keeping her for a few days. Going to give her nutritional and saline bags as well as IV antibiotics to clear up the infections." Tara told her mother-in-law.

"Thanks." Gemma sighed.

A/N: Poor Taylor! :(   And I would certainly not want to get on Gemma's bad side, eh?

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