Chapter 16

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She went back to her meal prep as Chibs left her alone. Happy was very thankful nothing had come up with the club that he was needed for. Things seemed to be going good since their last meeting and he hoped things would remain that way. Juice loved her enchiladas. He wasn't sure what she did to make them so good but they were better than any restaurant he'd ever had. Tig was sitting with Quinn nursing a beer as they waited for dinner to be done when Chibs emerged from putting his med kit up.

The Scotsman had a seat with them and waved the prospect over to get him a beer. Happy decided he wanted to get out of his room for a while so he cautiously got dressed. Putting on his shirt still hurt and so did bending down to put his boots on. He had to smile thinking of how thoroughly she cleaned his wound twice a day at Chibs' urging. She took his health very seriously and he wondered why exactly. Tig smiled when he saw Happy emerge from the dorms and quickly waved him over to sit with them.

"How ya feeling, Hap?" Tig immediately asked.

"Better. Shoulder still hurts but I'm well enough to get up and start moving around some now." He replied.

"The little woman finally let you out of your room?" One of the Nomads teased him making Happy growl.

"She only kept 'im in their room out of concern for 'is 'ealth. She cares about 'er 'ol man and was doing what she thought was best fer 'im." Chibs piped up for the young woman.

"Sounds more like he's on a leash." The guy laughed.

Happy quickly stood up.

"Hap, no! You're in no condition to fight right now. Sit down." Tig exclaimed as she exited the kitchen.

Seeing Happy and some guy looking like they were about ready to fight, she made her way over and pushed the other guy away from Happy making Chibs smirk at her.

"Leave him alone!" She stated.

"Need the little woman to fight your battles, killer?" The guy taunted Happy.

"I'm warning you." Happy growled at him.

The guy shoved Taylor aside as he moved closer to Happy. Tig and Quinn quickly stood up, afraid of what was about to happen. Taylor wasn't going to let this guy goad Happy into a fight so she walked back over and shoved him as hard as she could.

"I said to leave him alone! He's still nursing an injury and doesn't need the likes of some punk irritating him." She said in a voice none of them had ever heard before.

It was commanding and authoritative.

"Damn, lass." Chibs commented.

"Shut up, bitch." The guy shoved her again.

Before Happy could lunge at him, Quinn grabbed him and held him back. "No, brother. We've got this." Quinn told him as Happy growled. Tig told the guy to head to the ring where they would work this little incident out. Happy wanted to do it but knew he was in no condition to fight. His heart was hammering in his chest as the adrenaline was already flowing. He turned to her to see her glaring at the guy as he walked with Tig outside to the ring.

"Little girl, what was that?" He asked as Quinn sat back down.

She looked down like she was being reprimanded, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

"I'm not mad. That's how an 'ol lady should be. Commanding. Authoritative. Looking out for her 'ol man." Happy told her making her look up at him, "So, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Juice asked me to make my enchiladas so that's what I'm doing." She replied.

"Sounds good. You make excellent enchiladas." Happy told her making her cheeks turn pink.

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