Chapter 3

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Gemma headed back to the clubhouse to let Happy know what was going on. He was working on a car with Chibs when she arrived. By then, he'd forgotten all about his new 'ol lady. She cleared her throat making both men stand up.

"Next time you want to get your dick wet, make sure she has somewhere to go. She's been abused her whole life and doesn't need to take your shit." Gemma lit up a cigarette, "If you care to know, the girl's malnourished, severely dehydrated, and has both a kidney and bad UTI. Tara is keeping her for a few days."

"Sounds like tha lass is in rough shape." Chibs frowned.

"She is. Tara said they didn't find any signs of old fractures or broken bones but she's been profoundly abused her whole life going by how skittish she is." Gemma glared at Happy, "Treat the girl better or I'll have your balls."

"Thank yeh, Gem! We'll drop by tha 'ospital after work." Chibs told the Queen before she left.

"Why are we going to the hospital? She'll be out in a few days." Happy huffed.

"Whether ya like it or not, she's yer 'ol lady and need yer support." Chibs told him earning another huff.

Taylor hated the attention. All the nurses coming in to check on her. Making sure she was comfortable. Checking on the nutritional and saline bags. She felt out of place but she felt like that everywhere. She knew she wasn't wanted by the bald man and resigned to sleeping on the floor by his door from now on. She'd had to sleep on the floor for months at a time before and had gotten used to it, she'd do it again.

She didn't expect to see anyone while she was in the hospital. When she'd contracted a serious case of pneumonia, her dad had never once visited her. He yelled at her for leaving him to fend for himself for meals and for not being there to clean the house. But he didn't care about her health at all. She figured it would be the same here. She understood her pecking order. She understood what she was there for.

After dinner she was laying there wondering how this was going to work with the man whom she'd been given to. Clearly, he didn't want her there. He was going to sleep with whoever he wanted and she had no say in things. When the door squeaked open, it surprised her. There he was walking in with a guy with scars across his face. She couldn't help but wonder how he'd gotten them.

"Lassie, we 'aven't got t' meet yet. I'm Chibs." The guy smiled at her, "So, 'ow are ya feelin'?"

"Ok." She wouldn't look at either of them as she spoke.

"Have they told you anything since Gemma brought you in?" Happy asked making her shake her head no.

As if on que, Tara walked in. She was a bit startled to see Happy there visiting figuring he'd stay far away from the girl.

"Doc, 'ow is she?" Chibs questioned.

"She's taken three full bags of nutritional supplement and four bags of saline. Hopefully this will get her body back where it needs to be. We're giving her a powerful antibiotic to deal with the two separate infections." Tara said as she was checking the girl's vitals.

"Dat's goo'. When do ya think she'll be gettin' out?" Chibs asked.

"Not for another few days. We want the infections gone and her body hydrated before we send her home." Tara stated before excusing herself.

She just stared at her hands in her lap as silence filled the room. Happy didn't know what to say to her. He didn't even want to be here but Chibs had forced him to come visit. The Scot asked what she did for a living and was surprised when she told them she was just a homebody. He looked over at Happy who was looking back at him.

"'ow old are yeh?" Chibs questioned her.


"What all did you do for your father?" Happy asked.

"Cooked, cleaned, did the laundry mostly." Her quiet voice rang out in the room.

"I see." Happy replied as Chibs' phone went off.

"Lass, we got t' run. We'll be seein' ya soon. Take care o' yeself." He told her as he gave her shoulder a light squeeze.

Her eyes darted towards Happy who was already making his way to the door. She breathed a sigh of relief that they were gone. He made her nervous. That voice of his was very commanding. She drifted in and out of sleep as the nurses came in and checked on her periodically throughout the night. Happy had taken another crow eater to bed with him since Taylor was still in the hospital. It irritated Gemma greatly but there was nothing she could do about it. Yet.

Gemma showed up early the next day to see how she was. There was no change since the previous evening making Gemma nod. She could see how frail the girl was and felt bad for her. She'd had Juice do some intel on their new charge. Her story was heartbreaking. Her mother passed away when she was young under suspicious circumstances. Then she was in and out of foster care for two years. Once she'd graduated high school, she never did anything with her life. Just stayed home and took care of the house.

The Queen figured her father had done something to her mother and that he'd been emotionally and psychologically abusing Taylor since she was a child. It infuriated her but there was nothing she could do. Taylor was with them now and hopefully they could raise her self esteem some. Taylor drifted off to sleep so Gemma decided to head back to T-M. She glared at Happy as he walked out of the clubhouse with a slutty brunette leaving right behind him. 'He'd better treat Taylor right.' she lit a cigarette up before walking into her office.

When Taylor was finally released, she was surprised to see Gemma there. The older woman told her she was there to pick her up and take her back to the clubhouse. Tara reminded her to eat regularly and drink plenty of liquids making the skittish woman just nod before following Gemma out of the hospital. Jax, Bobby, and Quinn were out on some club business. Happy, Chibs, Tig, and Juice were there working on some cars and a repo that had come in.

Gemma barely heard the "Thank you for the ride" that had come from Taylor before exiting the car. The frail woman didn't look like she was more than one hundred pounds to Gemma as she stood there looking around. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Find Happy? Head straight to his room? Find herself something to do? Seeing Gemma's car had come back, the Killah wiped his hands and walked over to where she stood.

"Head to our room and stay there until I tell you otherwise." He instructed her.

He watched her scurry off before walking back to the car he'd been working on. Not another thought was given to her until the prospect came around taking lunch orders for Gemma. He again wiped his hands and went to his room. She was just sitting on the bed doing nothing when he entered. She hadn't even unpacked her things yet. He asked what she wanted for lunch making her look up and tilt her head. She gave a simple "burger and fries dry" making him nod at her and leave her alone once more.

A/N: At least he's sort of trying. Right? O.o

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